Keep It Silence - Jung Jae Hyun (NCT)

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"Jae Hyun looks handsome again as always today

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"Jae Hyun looks handsome again as always today."

"God really enjoys his time while making him."

"Joo Hee, why don't you take a look at him at least once? He's coming this way."

I look up lazily at my friends who are still fawning over that particular man. "Can't you see I'm trying to win a war here?"

"Why are you so obsessed with that thing? Take a look around on what's more real."

"I actually earn cash with this thing," I say smuggly, raising an eyebrow as I mention my serious intention on my precious games. "You guys need to get a life."

"Hey, hey, Mi Rae. Didn't you say that you have something for him?"

Mi Rae finally gets her attention distracted and lightens up at the mention of it. I actually take interest in what she is going to do. A strange wrapped box with a silver ribbon tied around it shows up from her little tote bag. From the look, I might have guessed what she's going to do and clearly, I don't want to witness any of the following scenes. When Mi Rae shyly walks up to Jae Hyun who finally notices and stops on his track with his friends, I'm holding my secondhand embarrassment already. But too bad, when I want to get up from my seat, my other friends are linking their arms on me as they hold their squeals. Well, girls, excuse me, I'm holding my embarrassment here which is clearly more important. Can I have my hand back please at least? I need to cover my eyes.

"Jae Hyun," Mi Rae starts to talk. My arms get squeezed even more. "Here is for you."

That brown hair man looks down on the box on her hand with curiosity. "On what occasion do I have to receive this?"

I rolled my eyes in silence, trying to hold my groan as I heard him.

Her eyes start to get even rosy underneath her pale skin. She's biting her lips in hesitation before she finally gathers her courage to speak again. "I like you, Jae Hyun. Can you be my boyfriend, please?"

Oh God, no! Don't tell me she just said that in front of him? In front of his friends?! Moreover, in this crowded space! Please don't let anyone know I'm a friend of hers.

His friends literally howling at both of them with her sudden confession. Some of the students are already watching them with interest and some of them, I believe, also have the same secondhand embarrassment like I am.

I know Mi Rae has always been a brave girl, but this is not brave. This is stupid!

As I warily glances anywhere but them, I accidentally lock eyes with Jae Hyun for a few seconds before I look away. As much as I want to disappear from there, a part of me now wants to hear what he's going to say.

"That's very kind of you, Mi Rae." he says with that dimple-smile of him. Mi Rae seems quite shocked with the fact he knows her name well. "I'm not into any relationship right now. However, I do really appreciate your feelings for me and I'll take this generous gift."

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