A Day (2) - Byun Woo Seok

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a/n: I hope you enjoy the story as much I as wrote it :) 

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a/n: I hope you enjoy the story as much I as wrote it :) 


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday, Byun Woo Seok!"

All the people in the room cheers and shouts at the flabbergasted Woo Seok who just arrived from work. He should've been suspicious when his parents asked him to return home instead of his apartment just for today. He already made plans with his family to have birthday lunch on the weekend since it is still his working day.

"Thank you guys. I didn't expect that you all would come all the way here."

His smile grows wider when his mother pulls his arm to bend down and kisses him on the cheek. He feels the warmth of love that he knows that he should take for granted.

"Happy birthday, my son." His father joins by proudly tapping his shoulder.

Soon enough, all family and friends gather at the dining room for the feast. Despite the tiredness, he still feels content, celebrating his new age.

"So, Woo Seok, how does it feel to be 33?"

All eyes once again are on him, waiting for the response.

"Nothing feels different for now."

"Are you planning something new?"

"Maybe a change of career?"

"Hey, him being a well known baseball coach pays really well."

"We have an ex-famous athlete here. If I were you, I wouldn't complain about anything."

Woo Seok smiles. Everyone that he knows seems to be envious about what he achieved so far. Although, being a normal human, something inside of him says that isn't enough.

"Have you thought about settling down?" This time, it was his aunt's turn to ask. Being the old and nosy ones, everyone in the family that passed 30 and isn't married yet always brings out her skill with her sharp tongue.

"I haven't been in a relationship, aunt Mi Joo."

"What happened with the last one?"

He smiles, knowing how to handle this situation. He doesn't need to explain why his past relationship ended 3 years ago just because he wasn't ready to settle down.

"I'll be sure to introduce her when I meet the right one."

Both of his parents look at each other knowingly. They are well aware what shapes their only son never really into relationships.

"Does anyone want more soju?" Woo Seok offers that receive enthusiasm.

He walks to the kitchen, taking his time alone while opening the fridge to take out a few bottles. A footsteps is heard and when he turns around, he sees In Hyuk leaning against the door frame with his arm crossed.

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