Stress Reliever - Kim Jong In (Kai)

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“Hello! Back to earth, Yoon Sol!” Hye Mi snapped her fingers in front of her face as she failed calling her name for hundred times already

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“Hello! Back to earth, Yoon Sol!” Hye Mi snapped her fingers in front of her face as she failed calling her name for hundred times already. “What the hell are you thinking? Your food is getting cold!”

“That’s okay, more for me!” Jong In said hapilly as he moved his spoon to her food but Hye Mi slapped his hands away before he could take one. “Geez! What the hell is wrong with my female friend?! You have issues with your strength!”

“It’s you who have issues! How can a man be so weak like you?” Hye Mi raised an eyebrow, not affected by the innocent looking eyes that Jong In thrown at her. “Plus, don’t ‘my female friend’ me. I don’t hang out with weak man!”

“Ouch!” Jong In put his hands over his chest and gasped dramatically. “Don’t you see these muscles? Me? Weak? That’s not how you say the truth.”

“I bet that’s just decorations.” Hye Mi gave him a smug look, crossing her hands.

Jong In shook his head, looking disbelief at her. How come he could be friend with Hye Mi, one of those girls who was immune for his looks. But then again that was one of the traits that make him always get along with her.

“Since you are gorgeous, I choose to ignore all of the hurtful words you said to me.” Jong In gave her a pat on her head which clearly get another slap from Hye Mi.

“I know I’m gorgeous, but keep those hands in your pockets.” She pointed a finger to him.

“Really? How about I do this?” Jong In raised his hands and squeezed her cheeks between his palms. Hye Mi’s cheek eventually reddened. It was obviously hurt and she didn’t like it.

“You little kid! Watch your act toward someone who is older than you!” as she messed up his hair in lunatics moves, well as he named it.

“Why do you keep saying that?! I’m freaking one year older than you! We’re only born in the same day!” he squeezed her cheeks even harder and it just made her went all out with his hair and now she was after his face.

“Watch me, I’m going to make your life miserable by ruining that idol face of yours.” She said in a low, dangerous tone.

He gulped down as he stared at her fresh manicure fingers which were ready to make scars here and there on his face.

Yoon Sol, still with her blank face watched them in interest along with Do Kyung Soo who just joined the table. Meanwhile Baek Hyun was now laughing out loud, watching their quarrel and how Jong In looked so messed up. Baek Hyun laughed even harder at Hye Mi's swollen face. Both of them stopped bullying each other and turned their heads at them, glaring.

“Oh my God! Look at your faces!” Baek Hyun laughed even harder. Jong In pulled back his hands from Hye Mi’s cheek and so did her. However she didn’t forget to flick his forehead, hard. Now, both Hye Mi and Baek Hyun laughed out loud as Jong In looked so pissed with his sore forehead. It even made emotionless Sol and Kyung Soo cracked a smile.

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