The Answers - Seo Kang Joon & Woo Do Hwan

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"Do you see her?"

"Oh, how I wish I could pull such clothes off on me. She looks so fashionable!"

"She's so young! Is she really our new Director?"

"She's been here for almost three months and you just realized that now?"

"She really makes changes!"

With all those audible whispered, Im Ga Young walked down the hallway with confidence. She maintained her poker face really well, just like what she did in her entire life. Her fingers faultlessly tucked her long hair behind her ear as she pushed the elevator's button. As she waited, she looked at her reflection on the elevator's cold hard material.

There she stood there. All the confidence, power and strong willing were radiating all over her.

The other employees were too afraid to be in one elevator with her so she went down by herself. Not that she minds all the attitudes from them, but she preferred that way. If it stayed like this, she won't be hurt by anyone. That was one of many ways how she protected herself.

When the elevator opened, she was taken by surprise to see who was standing right there.

Seo Kang Joon pushed himself off of the wall as soon as he saw him. With a lopsided grin, he walked towards her as he locked eyes with her.

"You're here." She managed to gave him a small smile.

Kang Joon stopped just few steps before her and nodded. "Are you done for today?"

"Last meeting ended 30 minutes ago."

"Are you ready to go home?"

Ga Young looked down at his reached-out hand. As tempting as it looked like, she held herself not to grab it instantly. Kang Joon who saw the hesitant on her face took initiative to took her hand and intertwined it. No matter how often he did something like this, his actions always took her by surprise.

"Let's go." He smiled again as he pulled her with him.

Ga Young voluntarily matched her pace with him and let her being dragged away from the building. The whispered from the employees were not going down. In fact, it was getting louder.

Just like he always wanted.

"Aw, I really wanted to be drag away like that."

"He is such a sweetheart! How can anyone think to escort someone just in front of the elevator?"

"What a timing."

"They really make a great couple."

"Im's and Kang's company are getting bigger since their marriage. I'm sure we have a bright future ahead if we keep being loyal."

"I'm loving this company since day one!"

Ga Young caught his smile went wider. She was sure that he heard them all and no need a genius to know what was going on his mind.

Somehow, she wished she didn't know a thing on what was on her husband's mind.


"Lee Ki Young from L&P's Architecture Company made a deal with us this morning. They agreed to build fifty percent of the concept along with the other subsidiaries and investors on our Shopping Arcade Project."

Her fingers swiped on the iPad's screen and looked through the sheets again. "And for the tenant's meeting are going to be postpone until next week since the investors from Sweden and Spain couldn't make it within this week."

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