Not So Nerd - Park Bo Gum

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"Your shirt is too big, always

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"Your shirt is too big, always. Why you never get rid of those jeans? It's worn out already!"

Park Bo Gum pretend not to hear anything as he focused on the laptop on his lap. It was like an everyday kind of words from Choi Soo Ah about his appearance. Today was about his clothes.

"Look at your hideous specs? Oh God, who wore those these days? It's thick and so out of date." she groaned.

"Are you going to sit here, commenting about my attire or let me do your homework in peace?"

Soo Ah straightened up her posture as she flipped her curly long hair to the side, her expression turned into an innocent girl. "Go ahead. I'll stop." In a split of seconds, her lips tugged into a sly smirk. "After all, you are my slave."

He clucked his tongue. "Slave my ass."

"Huh, it's true. You do my homework, you pick me up everyday to campus. Basically you are also my own personal driver." she laughed, making him shakes his head.

"Shut it, Choi Soo Ah.  You'll never pass this semester at this rate."

"Oh well, I can always repeat. Besides, Law is getting boring actually." she casually shrugged. "You'll make a good lawyer or attorney or, hmm, I wonder what you'll become in the future with this nerd look on yours."

"Appearence doesn't always matters."

"Oh it does, dear Bo Gum." she threw her enchanting smirks, making him stop to look at it. "Why do you think I always pass every semester so easily?"

Bo Gum closed his laptop and sighed. "You need to stop flirting with our lecturers."

"Whose fault if the campus uses the assistant to teach us? My fault if they're attracted to me?" she rolled her eyes. Bo Gum decided not to reply her argumen any longer. It would take a whole day if she started one and he had enough already.

Soo Ah stood up, fixing her Chanel hand bag and stretch her limbs. "Let's go find something to eat. I'm starving." she rubbed her flat stomach, pouting. Bo Gum quickly gathered his stuff on his backpack and followed her suit. She was getting irk at how hideous his shirt looks and finally her fingers unbuttoned the first two button. "At least look presentable for once. I don't like to walk with a nerd!"

Sighing, he tossed his backpack on his shoulder as he fixed his spectacles. He watched her walking away towards the parking area with narrow eyes. Ignoring her words, he buttoned up his shirt and caught up with her.


"Why do you always hang out with that nerd?"

"Yeah, I mean, it's totally uncool for someone like you."

"Duh, he's such an eyesore."

"So, why?"

"He's doing my homework, he drives me everywhere, he buys me food." Soo Ah counted with her fingers up in air while thinking. "Ah, he also helps me lie to my parents sometimes."

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