Happy, Happier, Happiest - Nam Joo Hyuk

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“Yah, Song Min Jeong, stop drinking

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Yah, Song Min Jeong, stop drinking. Alcohol won’t change the result of your test anyway.”

“Who are you telling me what to do?” she sighs, taking another gulp of her soju as she grumbles when the glass is empty. “Aish.”

“This is the third time you failed the test as a lawyer. Shouldn’t you just give up already?”

Yah! What kind of friend are you?! You should encourage me!”

Her friend shakes her head in disbelief. “Forget it. I’m going home.” 

After her friend leaves, Min Jeong stares at the empty bottles on her table. The side dishes are left untouched and the surrounding already reeks of alcohol. It suddenly makes her want to vomit so she decides to leave the bar. 

The cold breeze awakes her systems somehow as she manages to walk straight to her apartment. On her way, she catches familiar faces that walk from the opposite direction. Her forehead immediately furrows in annoyance as she tries to avoid the encounter. Too bad, they already caught her sight. 

“Min Jeong!”

She immediately puts on her poker face and clears her throat before bowing. “Good evening, Min Woo Sunbae.” 

“Why are you here alone?” 

“No, I was with Ha Ri. I’m heading home.” She immediately says, trying to make her way out of the group who are now looking at her.

“The night is still young. Let’s join us for the second round.” 

She tries to think of a reasonable reason to avoid this gathering. But another annoying voice suddenly interrupts, making her glare at the source.

“Come on, Min Jeong Sunbae. You should at least relieve your stress after your test result, right?” 

Kim Hye Yoon, her junior by one year who already has her own way to be a young lawyer despite her young age. Her achievement undeniably makes her feel small. In addition the group is now agreeing with her words. Everything seems to revolve around that annoying girl. 

Yah, Nam Joo Hyuk, she’s in your class year too, right? It’s going to be good to have someone you know, right Min Jeong?”

The tall guy is pushed to the front, revealing him fully in her sight. He looks awkward, as always, as he tries to politely agree to everything that the senior says. After all, despite his annoying attitude of pushing his junior around, he is one of the seniors that everyone respected. Her eyes finally meet him then she quickly looks away. Meanwhile Joo Hyuk holds his gaze a little longer before he copies her gesture. 

The karaoke bar becomes their choice for the second round. The big group separated into two rows of sofa that faces the screen. Min Jeong chooses to sit at the edge of it, hoping that few of them will try to make conversation with her. Some of them are busy choosing and singing their hearts out. Trying to blend in, she gulps a few drinks to distract her from the horrifying voices. 

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