Conflict - Jang Ki Yong

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Ha Jin wakes up with a heartbeat drum fast on her chest

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Ha Jin wakes up with a heartbeat drum fast on her chest. Unlike any other day, her eyes are now wide open, looking up to her ceiling with now her hand on her chest.

"What was that?" she mumbles, feeling her chest up and down. "Why did I dream of Ki Yong?"

She looks at her phone screen, showing that it's only 4 in the morning. She still has 5 hours to go for the first class at the campus. However, after that strange dream she can't even close her eyes at all.

With swaying legs, she feels that she has no energy at all today. It's not even the dream that bothers her, but for the past weeks, she has been questioning herself about something. Her thoughts are disturbed by the phone vibrating on her pocket.

"Yah, Song Ha Jin! Where are you? Why don't you reply to my message?!"

Ha Jin sighs, she totally forgets about that. "Sorry, Ji Eun. I'm by the gate. Where are you?"

"The gate? Are you with—"

"Song Ha Jin!"

She stops at the familiar voice that is heard from behind. She doesn't have time to process when she feels presence beside her.

"Is that Ki Yong?! Yah, you two! Hurry, we need to prepare for the class first!" Ji Eun's loud voice is heard over the phone, making him laugh.

Ki Yong brings his head down to her eye level. "Patient, Ji Eun. We'll be right there."

At the close proximity, she accidentally hangs up the call when Ji Eun is still voicing out her rage. Her eyes fix to his smiling lips, and it seems can't take her eyes off of it for a while.

"Ha Jin?" he calls her out, who is still in daze, her eyes don't seem focused.

"Huh?" she finally snaps out of her thoughts.

Ki Yong looks at her for a moment, smiling at her strange act before he chooses not to ask anything about it. "We should hurry."

"Oh, okay."

Ki Yong walks ahead and Ha Jin follows his suit, purposely a few steps behind him to get her head together. The sight of his lips distracts her even more when she just dreamt of kissing him at dawn. Her heartbeat raises up again at the thought of it.

'Get yourself together, Song Ha Jin. Let's not think about it again. Let's not be a werido.' She chants to herself as she takes a deep breath.


"Ah, the professor is really hard on us, don't you guys think? Should we just drop the class?" Ji Eun groans, poking her spoon on her cake.

"Are you crazy?!" Ha Jin snaps at her with wide eyes.

Ji Eun startles, "What?! You did no better than me either!"

"You ruin the cake!" she brushes her hand off of the cake to stop her from poking it. Eun Ji looks at her in disbelief before turning to face her where Ki Yong can't hold his laughter.

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