This Was The Year - Cha Eun Woo

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“Have you heard about the new employee?”

Cha Eun Woo shook his head, still focusing on editing his messed up design in front of him. His morning could've been better if only his boss didn’t remind him with the upcoming deadline early in the morning. His brain hadn’t function perfectly in the morning which frustrated him even more. Groaning, he ruffled his hair with his eyes still fixed on the screen, silently hoping miracles would eventually did the edit itself.

“Eun Woo! Eun Woo-yaa! Did you hear what I said?” his friend shook his chair only earned a hum from him as a respond. “It’s a girl. It’s been a long time since our department have new employee moreover a girl!”

“What’s so good about having a girl employee? I bet she would be inexperienced fresh graduate.”

“Hey, don’t underestimate. Fresh graduate nowadays are more experienced than we are. You know how social media works these days. They basically gets everything from there for free.” He shrugged.

Before Eun Woo could make a comeback, their boss entered the room which made all of the design department immediately stood up and greeted her. Behind her, there was a new figure that anyone could tell. The news about new employee spread fast like fire and everyone in the room got the same curiosity. Even for Eun Woo who denied that he didn’t care, his eyes still fixed on the uncovered figure.

“Well, since everyone here seems to know already. I will let her introduce herself then.” The boss finally stepped aside and let the new employee to be everyone’s attention.

“Hello everyone, my name is Kyung Su Jin. Please take care of me.”

Her smile, her timid gesture even her gaze made Eun Woo froze on his spot. Everyone was clapping their hands at her greetings, but not him.

“Okay, you hear her everyone. Take care of Su Jin. Even though she is fresh graduate, I know she’ll be good addition for the team.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Everyone responded in chorus.

“Kim Min Jae, do you mind if you guide her?”

Min Jae waved his hands at her to get her attention. Su Jin bowed from her place, showing her smile but soon it faded away when she recognized the figure beside him. They locked eyes for a moment. Everything seemed stop for both of them and she could feel her hands started to get cold. Biting her lips, she bowed at her boss who left the room and braced herself to approach Min Jae.

“Su Jin, right? Can I talk casually?”

Su Jin felt the stare from his side, she couldn’t help but not to glance warily but still managed to smile at Min Jae. “Of course, Sunbaenim. Please take care of me.”

“How about office tour on your first day?”

“Yes, of course. That would be great!” She said eagerly –too much in fact, making Min Jae laughed.

“Okay, shall we?”

Su Jin took initiative to walk ahead of him. She couldn’t bear anymore seconds to be under Eun Woo’s intimidating gaze. She felt that she couldn’t breath at all.

Eun Woo watched the two figure finally disappear from his sight. He let out a deep sigh when he finally got his conscious. He never prepared for something like this before. Nor in his whole life he thought he would be in such situation. Su Jin looked different. The last time he remembered about her was when she was about 17 years old. More or less. He had almost forgotten. However seeing her being so mature and all brought a lot of memories he refused to recall.

“Eun Woo, are you okay?”

He turned his attention at his senior who looked genuinely concerned. Did he turn pale?

“I’m okay, Hyung.”

Deep down, he knew he was nowhere near fine.


“Do you think the new girl got incredible skills? I don’t think I can do this kind of task on the first week.” Min Jae commented the fresh banner design which just submitted on his email a while ago by Su Jin. As her mentor, he had to review and point out mistakes but he didn’t find any. “Eun Woo, do you hear me?”

“I heard you.” He nodded meanwhile his eyes fixed on Min Jae’s computer screen. Truth to be told, he didn’t know that she got this skill inside her. Well, now he realize, he didn’t really pay attention at the past. He was too focus on himself.

Eun Woo decided to take a break before the lunch time. The pantry seemed not that crowded as usual and he decided to refresh himself by making a cup of coffee. For the whole week, he found himself so hard to focus whenever he was at the office. At her presence, he felt that he wasn’t himself at all. They knew each other, that was for sure. It was almost 5 years they didn’t see each other, nor knowing about each other’s presence. All the guilt, flooding him like there was no tomorrow. He was the one who made the mistake and yet, he didn’t even have courage to admit it, even until now.

He made up excuses that his college were taking much of his time but in fact, he grew bored of what they had. He thought that being in relationship was supposed to be fun, not tiring. Her nature who never complained, always followed on everything he said made him eventually lost the sparks. Now that he thought a lot about it, he knew that he once got a keeper. He realized that he was stupid enough to let her go.

Funny how fated play on their life. After her graduation, he completely disappeared from her life. He avoided all of the calls, emails and visits from her. Su Jin eventually gave up at some point.

Eun Woo thought that Su Jin would acknowledge his presence. He knew she recognized him on the first day. But it seemed that the girl tried to avoid any direct contact which made him even more confuse at her act. He wanted to talk to her. Despite that he was the one who avoided her the last time, after a whole week thinking about this, he thought it was his chance to finally making up everything between them.

“It’s okay. The others are so nice to me. They helped me a lot.”

The familiar voice greeted his senses when he pushed the pantry’s door open. There she was, standing in front of the coffee machine with her phone on her ear. Her long silk black hair were gathered in a high ponytail which swayed side to side as she moved. She was thinner than the last time he remembered. However, there was no high school girl but only a young adult woman who stood in front of him with her back facing him. How the time passed so fast.

“Me? I’m making coffee. I’m getting sleepy.” She chuckled to whoever she was on the phone with meanwhile Eun Woo stood by the door.

Where they place the cups? She thought as she opened the lower kitchen cabinet, only to find only plates and bowls. She opened another side but there was no cup that she needed. As she listened to her friends talking on the phone, she averted her attention to the upper kitchen cabinet and started to reach out. With her height, it should be easy for her to reach the knob. She stood on her tiptoes and finally reached the knob.

“Really? Wow! I heard that company offered a great amount of salary. I’m so jealous.” She chuckled while her hands tried to grab one of the cups. However her attention distracted when the coffee machine signaled that her coffee was done. She immediately brought her hand which still had the phone on it to pause the coffee machine meanwhile her other hand still up on the cups. However, she didn’t realize that the disorder of the cups made her pull the wrong one. Her eyes widened when she looked up and watched the cups on the edge of the cupboard, swaying.

Su Jin immediately pulled her hand and ducked her head, ready for the impact. However, after a while she didn’t feel anything at all but a new weight. For a split seconds, she finally heard the cup crashed on the floor which made her winced at the sound. But she didn’t feel hurt at all. Su Jin finally dared herself to open her eyes. She noticed an arm covered her head which made her quickly spun around to face the person.

“Are you okay?” Eun Woo beated her to ask before she could even speak.

Her heart stopped beating for a second before it started to beat rapidly, making her stammered. "I-I'm okay. I'm okay." she said, more like to reassure herself. Both of them stayed at their place for a moment before she realized something. “You-your forehead.” She pointed.

Eun Woo blinked and touched the area where she pointed. It was slightly wet and when he looked at his palm, he found slight blood covered his hand.

“You’re bleeding.” She pointed out with trembling lips.

“It’s fine.” He reassured and tried to wipe out the sticky feeling from his skin.

Su Jin tugged his sleeves, “It’s my fault. Would you sit first meanwhile I take the first aid kit?”

Eun Woo witnessed the sincerity on her voice and voluntarily sit just like he was told. It didn’t take too long for her to finally comeback with the first aid kit on her hand.

“Sorry, may I?” she became unsure on what to do once she was in front of him. She just realized that it was really reckless of her to let her guard down. However, this time it was her fault that made him like this.

Once he nod, with stiff hands she started to wipe out the blood from his forehead. Lucky, the cut wasn’t that deep and she believed that the ointment would be just more than enough. Eun Woo watched her the whole time she treated him which made her uncomfortable under his gaze. It was intentional when she avoided him in the office. She knew that he tried to approach her few times whenever she left alone. She just felt like she wasn’t ready yet. However, the high school era was over. She already went through it and she believed that she had nothing left behind. She didn’t join the company, knowing he already a part from it. Once again, she felt that fate was toying her.

“There you go.” She finished by sticking a band aid gently. “You should see doctor if it gets worse, if only.” She added with small voice.

“Su Jin.”

She stopped in the midway when he called her name. His voice brought so many memories and she hated herself for recalling all of them at the sound of his voice, calling her name. Eun Woo was about to reach her out but he hesitated. He was afraid of her respond.

“I’ll get going first, Sunbae.” She quickly bowed and left the pantry, leaving him behind in bewilderment.

He tightened his fist. He couldn’t help himself not to hate the honorific from her earlier. It replayed on his head like a broken song. How she addressed him just now was enough to create another thick line between them. She silently made sure that she didn’t want him to cross the line and it strangely made him annoyed.


5 years ago…

Gyungbok High School

“Su Jin-ah, you promise that you would show us your boyfriend’s picture today.” Nam Hee, her best friend narrowed her eyes at her which only earned a chuckle. Soon enough, the quartet gathered in circle. The three of them were dying out of their curiosity because Su Jin would be the first one in the group who actually had a boyfriend and neither one of them knew who it was.

“Why did you take so long to show his face? Just introduce him to us already!” Bo Mi -being the sharp tongued one, snapped while banging her fist on the desk.

Joo Hyun -being the calmest in the group, tried to calm her down by stroking her back. “Easy Ahn Bo Mi. Do you want Su Jin to run away because of your fury? Well, we wouldn’t get to see the infamous boyfriend today.”

“I bet her boyfriend’s face is so ugly that’s why she doesn’t want us to know. Right, Su Jin?!” Bo Mi attacked again, because God’s know why she didn’t have any slight patience on her senses.

“Yah, my boyfriend is sooo handsome! I’m afraid that you will fall for him once you get see his face.” Su Jin defended.

“Show me, show me.” Bo Mi had enough of the talk and tried to grab her phone from her hand. The tug war ended quickly and Su Jin couldn’t even protect her own goods. Instead of helping her, Joo Hyun and Nam Hee gathered around Bo Mi who quickly looked through her phone.

I wonder why I be friend with them at the first place. She sighed and crossed her arms, watching every single reaction from them that she could catch.

Bo Mi stopped searching. All the three pair of eyes looked at the screen, unmoving. Su Jin’s lips tugged upward at their reaction. “I told you, he—”

“Holy shit, Su Jin..” Bo Mi cursed which earned a slap on her head by Joo Hyun but she didn’t even care. “Where the hell did you find this gem?!”

With a smug smile on her face, she crossed her legs with her chin tugged slightly upward. “He is the son of my father’s friend. I met him last year at new year’s party event.”

“He’s the definition of perfection, Su Jin.” Nam Hee shook her head, still not believing what she saw. “I can’t believe you never tell us anything about knowing him until now. Well, I can’t keep such a secret from the world if I know someone like him.” She shrugged at the thought, making them laughed.

Su Jin flipped her bob hair in the most dramatic way, “Well, girls. I know my life now is worth to envy for. I’ll introduce him to you girls within this week.”

The three girls squealed in delight. Tons of questions were thrown like there was no tomorrow.

“Does he have another hot friends?”

“How tall is he?”

“Does he have a deep voice?”

“Did he ever smile this wide?”

“Where does he go to school?”

Su Jin shook her head. “He’s 5 years older than us. So, he’s 23 now.”

“Oh my God, oh my GOD! So… Kyung Su Jin, oh my, you little piece of..” Bo Mi was about to curse again but stopped when she found Joo Hyun’s deadly stare. “S-so, you call him op-opp…”

“Eun Woo oppa.” Su Jin finished Bo Mi’s sentence with small squeak. Bo Mi, Nam Hee and even Joo Hyun let out a high pitch squeal again at the endearment.  Su Jin couldn’t help herself not to smile widely, until her cheeks hurt and burned out of embarrassment.

Yah! Kyung Su Jin, you’re so lucky!”

She felt so lucky at that time. Her friends reaction was something worth to record on at the first time she introduced him to them. As for Eun Woo he grew totally confused at his girlfriend’s friend hype reaction when they see him.

Her senior high school year went like a dream for her. Another year passed so fast and here she was on the last year of her high school. The atmosphere became more serious and too competitive. At that time, she hadn’t decided what major she was going to choose and it made everything become more difficult.

As she was get busier and so did Eun Woo. He was also at his final year and he had to do his best for his final project. Their communication became less and less as the time passed by. Both of them tried to focus on their studies. However, Su Jin noticed that it would be so wrong if it continued. She felt that she was not being a good girlfriend enough for him so she tried her best.

Oppa, are you busy right now?”

“Hmm, yes. What is it?”

She tried to ignore the cold shoulder on his voice by trying to be cheerful for once, holding the ginseng tonic that she bought with her saving. “I’m in front—”

However before she finished, Eun Woo cut her. “Su Jin, I’m tired. I really need to go to sleep right now.”

“Ah..” Her grip on the paper bag loosened.

“I’ll hang up.”

Without waiting for her respond, Eun Woo ended the call. The monotone tune was the only sound that she could hear. She stood there at the pavement, looking up at the two stories house in front of him. She had hard time to get permission from her parents to go in the evening like this. Even her dad got mad because she insisted on going. She had her hope when she got to see his face, all the anxious feeling about it would be gone. How she wished she could hear him tell about what he did for the past week.

With the weak grip, she put the paper bag right below on the mailbox. She couldn’t go home with it or else her parents will know she didn’t meet him. The last thing she wanted that her dad would eventually grew disappointed and even angry at Eun Woo.

Now she wished it won’t rain tonight.

With heavy steps, she finally headed home.


Gyungbok’s Graduation Day

Su Jin’s attention was on her phone for almost the whole day. She was waiting for his call. It was her graduation day and she already reminded him last night.

“Su Jin,”

Joo Hyun’s voice brought her to the reality. Her simpatico look almost made her burst into tears. At the time like this, it was always Joo Hyun who understood even before she said anything. Joo Hyun hugged her from the side, giving her the support that she needed. Su Jin tried her best not to choke on her own sobs and decided it was the best for her not to look on her phone anymore.

The high school graduation still one of those moment she shouldn’t miss on her life.

In the end of the day, Eun Woo didn’t show up at all. She tried to avoid all the questions regarding him and made lame excuses.

She sent her graduation photo to him with happy messages, saying that it was the best day of her life that she finally graduated. She also said that she was sad that he couldn’t be with her on her happy day. Nonetheless by her messages, she felt the opposite. She was nowhere near happy and the fact that Eun Woo didn’t even try to reach her out make it even worse.

She had lost her counts on the restless nights. She had hard time not to cry whenever the thought of him came. Even his parents always said that he wasn’t home whenever she paid a visit.

It was exactly a week after her graduation when he finally showed up in front of her house.

“I don’t think I can continue our relationship.” He said. His voice was stoic and his face showed nothing.

Those words stroked her like a thunder. She stood like a statue on her place, watching him speak. She let him speak. She promised to herself not to speak anything when they met. She promised that she would listen and agreed to whatever he was going to say.

However, those words was the last thing she wanted to hear.

“I need to focus on my final project. It’s so important to me and I can’t even get a B on that one. I have to focus on my future career.” He spoke. “This relationship distracted me. I can’t do both.” He finally said.

“I can always wait.” She said, almost whispering.

Eun Woo ruffled his hair in frustration. “Can’t you see what I’m trying to say? I want us to break up.” He raised his voice.

It was the first time she had seen him this angry, even more at her. She could see that he was tired, but so did she. However she knew the best that she wanted to keep this relationship so she tried. But now she realized after he said those words, Eun Woo didn’t think the same way as she did. She had enough of crying and spent those restless nights.

“Let’s break up.”

She finally said those words with all the strength left inside her.



Su Jin tightened her loose ponytail and curled the baby hair on both sides with her finger. “How is it? Neat yet?”

Min Jae who watched her from the beginning gave her thumb up. “You look pretty, Su Jin.”

Eun Woo watched the interaction between both of them with glare. His grip on the glass tightened but they didn’t seems to notice. Both Su Jin and Min Jae were too busy talking with each other and also blend in with the rest of the employee. How he didn’t enjoy the company dinner tonight because of the scene in front of him.

“How do you like the company so far, Su Jin?”

“Yeah, how is it? I bet Kim Min Jae gave you a hard time, huh? I wonder why Boss changed her mind to let him to be your mentor for the whole month.”

The friendly gestured from the seniors eventually makes her heart warm. She had forgotten Eun Woo’s existence in front of her.

“I like it here. Min Jae Sunbae really helped me a lot and taught me so many things. He didn’t even bother by my text on the weekend.” She chuckled, making Min Jae sheepishly grinned at the compliment. “I’m also thankful for all the care you give me, Sunbaenim.” She put both of her hand on her stomach and bowed.

“Don’t mention it, Su Jin. You’re really a fast learner yourself. We are really lucky to have you in our team.” One of the male senior smiled encouragingly. “Isn’t that right, Cha Eun Woo?” he nudged, realizing that he had been silence.

“Right.” He mumbled the words but his eyes still fixed on Su Jin, making her shifted uncomfortably on her seat.

Ya, yah, you’re scaring her. Don’t look at her like that.” Min Jae jokingly said to Eun Woo. Su Jin let out an awkward laugh out of politeness. “Alright, team. Let’s bring our glass and make a toast.”

Everyone in the table brought up their glasses.

“For our company, team and welcome our youngest member, Kyung Su Jin.” Min Jae hollered excitedly. “Toast!”


Su Jin had hard time to gulp down the beer in one shot but with the team encouraging her to do so, she tried her best to gulp down the whole liquid. It was the first time for Eun Woo watched her drink. It made him realized how she was no longer the Su Jin that he used to know. She was no more drinking to that banana milk. She didn’t even have the colorful hairpin on her hair but instead a simple hair tie made her look more mature. He couldn’t help but to look at her neckline when she gulped down the beer. How he never realized that she looked so attractive.

Eun Woo tried to tear his attention away from her by stuffing his mouth with grilled meat. It was strange for him how he found himself still curious about her.

“Su Jin-ah, I made you a wrap. Open wide.” Min Jae gestured her to open her mouth. Su Jin’s eyes widened at the friendly gestures. She had witnessed how he put much onion and paste on the wrap, too much for her liking. She didn’t know that it was for her.

“U-uh..” she stammered.

She was in the awkward position. If she denied, it would put Min Jae on shame. But on the other hand, she couldn’t handle what he put inside the wrap once it gets on her mouth. Meanwhile the other seniors seemed to enjoy their interaction, she hesitated to open her mouth.

“She can’t eat those. She’s allergic to onions.”

The whole table stopped their activities. All eyes were on Eun Woo who looked indifferently at Su Jin. Su Jin gulped down when their eyes met. She was grateful he had stop Min Jae, but she wasn’t ready what was upcoming.

“Is it true that you are allergic to onions?” Min Jae brought down the wrap and looked at her questioningly. Biting her lower lip, she nodded slowly. “How do you know about it, Eun Woo?”

Instead of answering it, he threw the ball to her. “Ask her.”

She let out an awkward chuckle. “Lucky guess?” Her seniors looked at her in disbelief, clearly not satisfied with answer. She tried to hide her nervousness by gulping down her whole beer. “May I excuse to the bathroom?” without waiting for the respond, she quickly left the table. She couldn’t stand being in the middle of that table anymore.

She tried to get her complete senses by splashing cold water on her face. However it was no use since she still felt lightheaded.

I shouldn’t be gulping down the beer like that anymore. She cursed herself for not being able to take care of herself in this situation. She looked on her reflection on the big mirror. Breath in, breath out. Let’s get through this, Kyung Su Jin.

How she wished she would calm down. But it seemed to be just wishful thinking when once she stepped out from the bathroom, she spotted Eun Woo leaning against the wall.

“Can I talk to you?”

Those simple question made her slightly weak and finally nodded. Sooner or later she should face him. There was no way to run away anymore. She couldn’t just resign from her company just by knowing he would be there. That would be so unprofessional. Moreover, this was her dream company to begin with.

They finally reached the alley near the restaurant. It wasn’t that crowded compared to the main street but it was enough to give both of them the privacy the might needed.

As calm as Eun Woo appeared to be compared to Su Jin, he had hard time to be the one who spoke first.

“I’m sorry about earlier.” He hesitated to spoke while rubbing his nape. “I didn’t realize.” He added. Su Jin nodded making the atmosphere felt even more awkward for both of them. “I—”

“I think it’s best for us to keep our distance, don’t you think?” Su Jin finally spoke.

Her statement shocked him. “I don’t think I can do that. We knew each other for years. It would be hard for me to not slipped like earlier again.” He said. “We are on the same boat right now.”

She frowned. How his words irked her in so many ways. “I really can’t say we know each other for years. But it isn’t the same right now. We haven’t meet again for the past 5 years. Things are changing and so do I.”

“Does it mean that our relationship in the past was nothing?”

There, he finally brought that topic up. How she wanted to avoid this but there were so many unanswered questions. Eun Woo had hard time to control his emotions and his breath came out unsteady. She used to be scared whenever he was like this, but not today. Su Jin wasn’t the same person as she was 5 years ago. She already knew how she should valued herself first instead of fighting for someone who wasn’t worth her time.

“Was it something for you then?” she asked back, leaving him in bewilderment.

“What do you mean?”

She took a deep breath, her eyes fixed on his own. “After that night, there were so many things to tell but I couldn’t. As for now, it would be my last choice to said those reasons. Because I moved on and I choose to left everything behind.”

Eun Woo stayed still, but his minds went back to the night where he finally said those words.

“That break up,” she almost choked with her own words. “I was too tired trying so hard meanwhile you didn’t try as hard as I could.”

“I gave my reasons.” He said weakly as the matter of fact. However, those facts didn’t sound so right anymore as before.

“You did. But in the past few months when we both busy with our studies, did you ever ask about me, my day even just about my study?”

He grew silent.

“You realized that you never did. But you knew I was the opposite.” She sighed. “I wished I never brought this up, honestly.”

“I’m sorry.”

When he said those words, she went silence. How she wished that she could hear those words earlier. She was surprise that those words didn’t even affect her at all in some ways.

It made her realize that she was completely over him.

“Su Jin,” he took one step closer and tried to reach out for her hand. In instinct, she pulled back and it made him stop. He realized that she wasn’t the same person that he used to know. “I wasn’t mature. I knew I hurt you but I never had courage to apologize to you.”

“I forgive you.” She gulped down. “and I’m sorry too.”

“No, you never have to apologize.” He quickly said.

Su Jin gave him a small smile, a sincere smile she actually gave since the first encounter after 5 years. She couldn’t figure out what he was thinking right now. But she knew that he was distressed. However, she felt like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. She was happy that she finally said what she had been dying to say to him. Not all of them, but she was satisfied. She knew that if she pour all of them it would lead her to another breakdown about the past and she didn’t want that. It was enough. She had moved on and there was nothing to cry again. She became the Kyung Su Jin she liked today. She was stronger, wiser and dependable.

“I hope you wouldn’t mind if we keep our distance from now on,” she smiled. “Let’s head back, Eun Woo Sunbae.”

With one last look, Su Jin walked away and left him froze on his place. He watched her going inside the restaurant. How she addressed him made his chest clenched and he hated it.

Now he realized how big his mistake was. Even though she forgave him, he knew that he still had a long way to earn her trust again.

This time, it would be so hard to pass the big wall she had drawn between them.

This time, he should be the one who try harder.

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