Step Game Up - Woo Do Hwan

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It had been a while since Woo Do Hwan heard the noise from the flat beside his

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It had been a while since Woo Do Hwan heard the noise from the flat beside his. It disturbed his peaceful weekend when the sounds of boxes being stacked up so loud and clear from the balcony. He was enjoying his coffee before the sun was set high, probably lit up one or two cigar if he felt like it, just like usual. He looked over to the right side where the noise came from and sighed. He just hoped he wouldn't get such noisy neighbor just like before. Avoiding any interaction, he brought his cup inside and locked the door behind him.

Meanwhile on the other side, Im Se Yeon finally put the last box on the stack. It was such a tiring and long process until she got there. She hated moving in but at the same time, she couldn't just ignore a better place with reasonable price. Moreover it was really near her company. She looked at the mess before and took a deep breath. It was going to take a whole day just to tidy the place up.


It had been two months since she moved and she still couldn't get proper sleep. The first month went terrible because she just not used to the new environment. Once she finally got proper sleep, there was another trouble. Second week of the following month didn't get any better. The water leaked and she had trouble to fix it. She called the service and land lord of the building but the respond was so slow she has to give up.

Now she had really terrible day to start the day with and things were not getting any better. She had been working so hard to win the project that she thought she will do them alone but her boss didn't say so.

Sure she got the project she wanted, but with additional conditions.

She had to work with her nemesis, Woo Do Hwan.

Here they were in the monthly meeting with all the staff and supervisors talking about the project they would both lead. They couldn't stop glaring at each other whenever it was their turn to give out the presentation. She clearly had to hold herself not to spurt out nasty comments and being unprofessional, at least not in the meeting. The lack of sleep made her mood even worse.

Everyone bowed and walked out from the presentation room leaving Se Yeon and Do Hwan behind. When she realized it was just him, she fastened up to gather her papers and headed out before he notice.

"Don't ruin this project, Im Se Yeon." he called just when she was about to exit the room, make her stop.

She took a deep breath, annoyed and turn around. She had to hold herself not to burst out. It was her effort she came this far.

"Watch me, Woo Do Hwan. I put my life on it."

With that, she walked out of the room before he could make any comeback. He watched her signature high pony tail swaying before she finally out of his sight. He didn't know why she seemed like she have so much grudge on him since the day one. She was his senior by 2 years even though she was younger than him. Being more experienced in the field made her feel threatened by his presence. With his competitive nature, he had to bring out his best no matter what the circumstances was.

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