Am I Crossing The Line? - Ahn Hyo Seop

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Tell me, since when I see him as a man?

Ahn Woo Jin looks a little bit different today. Or is it just me? His hair, his dark brown hair looks perfect on him. It's disoriented and usually I really dislike something which is not in its order. But when it falls perfectly on his forehead, showing a little bit of his skin, it's just looks good.

I sigh. What is actually happening to me?

"Ri Ahn, Cha Ri Ahn."

Woojin is waving his hand just in front of my face. I blink several times to adjust my sight. His deep voice suddenly brings me back to reality.

"W-what?" I pretend to be busy with what's behind him. Well, it's better to see people on his back, bringing their food tray to find the empty seat rather than looking directly to his eyes.

"Are you sick?"

Without warning, he places his big palm right on my forehead. I freeze as his skin touches mine. My grip on the spoon tightens in a matter of seconds. When I'm about to pull back, he brings both of his hands to my nape and stay there for a good minute.

"You are warm. Your face is red too. Are you sure you don't have fever?"

When I finally get a hold of myself, I remove his hands away. "I'm okay. I'm not that weak you know!" I snap at him but my high tone doesn't even affect him in some ways.

"You are allergic to cold, Ri Ahn."

"No need to mention it. I know."

"Then at least, wear more clothes."

"I left my scarf in class. It's not that I'm not aware of myself."

He clucks his tongue with him narrowing his eyes at me.

"What? What? Are you glaring at me?" I try to sounds intimidating for once.

He narrows his eyes at me even more, titling his head.

"Finish your food before it gets colder." He finally says after our war glare.

Now it's my turn to cluck my tongue and finally starts to focus on my food again. I move my chopsticks lazily as I pluck the onion away from my food. I always hate the smell of garlic or onion and the cafeteria always have it at least on one of their food.

I gasp in surprise when a hand takes away my food. He does it again, always. Why am I even surprise? He always notices my dislike, like this, he's the one who moves all the onions from my plate to his. While munching down his own food, he looks serious when he makes sure there is no onion left on my dish. In return, he puts half of his beef on my plate.

Without even looking at me, he puts back the plate right in front of me; like it's the natural thing to do between us. I always think this kind of thing is normal between friends but for some other reasons, today I see it in completely different perspective.

Once again, I see him munching down all of my onions on his own plate along with his half beef portion now. I wonder if it's enough to make him full.

Slowly, I proceed with my own food with full thoughts on my mind.


"Woojin, Woojin!"

I try to call him several times, but it's pretty impossible to make him turn around meanwhile the hall is really crowded and he's talking with his friends.

"Ahn Woo-"

I stop in the midway when someone approaches him. It's her again, the girl who has several classes with him. I saw his phone on the other day, that girl always texting him. She obviously flirts and there Ahn Woo Jin responding to her. I couldn't see him clearly because I only see his back. But the way the girl laughs and his friends around them teasing him, I'm sure I don't like what I see.

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