Unplanned - Ahn Hyo Seop

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a/n: Merry Christmas everyone! May this season filled with joy and love with your loved ones ❤︎‬

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a/n: Merry Christmas everyone! May this season filled with joy and love with your loved ones ❤︎‬


"I'm going, my love! No, no! Stay. Stay!" She raises her finger to command her dog to stay. The full white fur Husky still excitedly wiggle his tail, and couldn't really sit still at the doorstep.

"Come on, love, I have to see him! It's almost time for him to arrive at the gym. Don't you want mama to have a relationship? Hmm? Do you want to monopolize me?" She monologues and finally couldn't help but to rub the back of his ears that makes the dog more excited.

"I'll be back at noon, okay? Be a good boy and I'll buy you a snack."

At the word snack, he barks loudly and makes her jump in surprise. After succeeding to make him stay, she walks out from her house, almost tripping at the pathway and finally manages to get into her car without a scratch.

One of the reasons why she moved her schedule to workout on weekends was because of something. There is one time she saw this man -she could say very attractive, working out alone. It's a very big gym area and she just got a glimpse of him during her session. Thinking that he might be a one time visitor, she doesn't expect much to see him again. But the next weekend, she saw him again and started to see him regularly on weekend noon. For the past two months, it's only her noticing his presence and workout routine. Once in a while he caught her staring from the mirror, but she casually looked away or pretended to rest between the repetition.

Until one time she didn't see him again on the weekends.

She has lost her additional purpose to go to the gym and basically had been wondering where he was. There were a lot of possibilities, whether he was no longer a member, moved away, or probably simply just changed his schedule.

Da Mi, who was also starting to build a healthier life, decided to fix her sleeping schedule. One day when she had enough sleep and couldn't go back to sleep again, she decided to go to the gym at 5.30 AM. On the way, she laughed to herself on how determined she was that day. Arriving exactly at 6AM when the gym just opened, she was the first one. Surprisingly she loved the feeling of being earlier than most of the people and being productive. She started her workout routine with content feeling.

It took only 30 minutes until she lost her focus.

Almost out of breath at her last repetition, she put her dumbbells down and tried to catch her breath. Between her breath, she notices there are other people who just come from the mirror. A man, probably in his late 50's, was walking with his gym equipment, ready to hit a hard session and 10 minutes later, he was the one who walked in.

His tall figure was definitely noticeable when he walked and it happened to catch her through the mirror.

She swore that he caught surprise in his eyes when they locked eyes. She was assuming that it was weird to see her in the early morning or just shocked to see that he wasn't the first one to get here. Nonetheless, she played it cool but deep down, she was that excited that morning.

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