A Day (1) - Byun Woo Seok

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"Byun Woo Seok!"

"Byun Woo Seok!"

"Byun Woo Seok!"

"Hit the ball till it flies!"

"Let's go!!"

The chant almost shakes the whole stadium in excitement. The famous batter from Yonsei University, Byun Woo Seok is in the state of his own Zen. His eyes are fixed to the ball that the pitcher is about to throw. Everything in such a slow motion when the pitcher pitched the ball. Zooming in his direction, he swings the bat like his life depends on it. The loud contact from the bat and the ball, swinging until it's almost out of sight, he doesn't waste any more second to run. The catchers are on the move and that's when he pushes his legs to its own limit.




Just in a split second, he touches the homebase just the time one of the catchers catches the ball.

'We win? We WIN!'

His teammates are storming in his direction with ear-deafening joyful screams. His body is swarmed with their bodies, inviting him to jump in delight. The celebration is real. They win. The atmosphere of the winning team sends electricity down to his spine. He can't even hold his ecstatic laugh, knowing that his hard work finally paid off.

From the bleachers, the atmosphere is equally ecstatic. Lee In Ha is not even trying her excitement as she jumps along with her friends. The win marks Yonsei University to enter the national league this year.

"In Ha, In Ha, they're walking this way!"

"Oh!! Let's go downstairs!" She pulls her friends with her. "Excuse me, sorry, excuse me!" She tries to sneak her body between the people who are bumping into each other.

"Woo Seok! Byun Woo Seok!" she tries to holler between loud chants in the stadium. She waves her hands frantically in the air, trying to catch his attention before they're gone from the sight.

His teammates finally notices the long hair girl, jumping around like a tiny rabbit by the bleachers. They are laughing, clearly knowing the girl who has been obsessed with their ace player for the past year. She sends another color to their boring days as baseball players, with her random acts and often she brings them food, just to get the approval from the whole team members.

"Woo Seok, she's up there."

Still with a wide smile, he shifts his attention towards the direction his friends are pointing at. In Ha's eyes dilated when he noticed her and quickly spread out the small banner she had been holding.


"Oh God," he facepalms, but his friends notice his smile spread even wider if it's possible. They know he was never really annoyed with her overwhelming fan acts.

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