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So as the description says this will be about Sarge, Caboose, Grif, and Tucker in remnant I might bring some other characters in later but who knows, I suck at writing but here are some rules.

When someone is talking it will be like

Author: this is an example.

If there is text under it, it means he isn't talking but it is just a description kinda.

Author: this, too is an example.
He says while typing the next sentence.

If there is ** around words while someone is speaking it means an action happened while someone is talking. But if it takes place next to a persons name then it is then talking while someone else is talking

Tucker: hey baby did you fall from heaven? Cuz I always wanted to— *gets kicked in the crotch by the entire cast of RWBY* oh god my balls. I'm sorry Junior you won't be getting that sister! *blarg?*

If there are () it means that it's me the author speaking (like this, hello there) but if it next to a persons name, it is there thoughts.

Tucker: (Wowzers she is hot!)

Yeah that's it I hope you enjoy the comedic relief of Caboose and bow chicka bow wows from Tucker!

Also comment if you found/understood any references I make, because I highly doubt you can find them all. At the end I will have a tracker to see which have been found and who found them.

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