Unfortunate Flirting

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Sarge: That gunna leave a mark!
He says as they watch Nora jump 1000 feet into the sky and slam her electric boogaloo hammer at the entire enemy team.

Tucker: Bow chicka bow wow!

Grif: 3000 words? No. 30 words? Yes. You really need to work on your frequency Tucker.

Yang: Can we not just watch the fight in peace? Do you have to be constantly narrating and arguing?

Sarge: Hey it's what we do, stand around and talk, it's like telling Grif to stop eating, Or Tucker to stop flirting. It's impossible.

Yang: Just shut up and watch the fight.
She says as she looks down, all they see is the two teams standing around and talking. Then another portal opens and on the other side is a cool looking dude with military suit on, on top of a mannequin with his finger up.

Woods: Not a word, Bell.

Sarge: And you say we stand around and talk? HA!

Woods: I SAID NOT A WORD BE— Who are you people?

Sarge: Colonel Major Sarge at your service!
He says saluting.

Woods: Is that even a real— Uh oh! C'mon Bell, the reds are coming. We gotta stop Perseus!
He says as he runs off and the portal closes.

Grif: These people just keep getting weirder.


Grif: You mean the sta—


Back in the arena, team JNPR is seen having a group meeting in the middle of a battle with another team.

Jaune: This is it guys, finish them with team attacks! Ren, Nora, FLOWER POWER!
He yells as the others just look confused.

Nora: Wait, What?

Jaune: F-flower power... That's your team attack name.

Ren: Since when.

Jaune: *groans* Guys we've been over this! Flower Power is Ren and Nora. Ren brings the flower, Nora brings the power!

Ren: How do I bring a flower?
He asks, scratching the back of his head.

Nora: No, silly, not A flower. A flour, like in baking!

Ren: Why would I bring that?

Jaune: I-Uh, no it's your symbol!

Phyyra: So What are we?

Jaune: PHYYRA!

Phyyra: Sorry, I just want it to be clearly defined!

Jaune: Phyyra, you and I are Arkos. It's the thing where we take our shields, remember?!

Phyyra: Arkos?
She asks as the enemy team is preparing for combat and also looking confused at JNPR.

Jaune: Yeah it's out names put together!

Phyyra: Right, no, I get it.
She says disappointed.

Jaune: What, Do you not like it?

Phyyra: No, no! It's...

Nora: Oooh, I sense hesitation!
Phyyra was about to reply until some nerd on the other team interrupts their life or death conversation about names.

Enemy: HEY!

JNPR: Hmm?


Jaune: Trying to have a team meeting, thank you very little!

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