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Sarge: *horrified* W-what? H-how did this... who would do such a... terrible thing.

The Reds and Blues look down at the chaotic scene of a dismembered robot lady named Penny. At this point the crowd is going wild... literally everyone in the crowd is going completely crazy, running around everywhere and shoving people out of the way.

Grif: Sarge... That girl... *points to Phyyra* That's Phyyra, right?

Tucker: Yeah... I can recognize any woman from any area.

Grif: Do you remember what her semblance was?
He says as they all think for a second.

Reds and Blues: Polarity...

Grif: And Emerald and Mercury... they summoned that... thing... to attack us but... it didn't do anything.

Caboose: Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was a hallucination, like the one Yang saw!

Sarge: Ya know Caboose, for once I agree with you. So someone, probably either Emerald or Mercury, can make people hallucinate.

Grif: And they made Yang hallucinate to see Mercury attack her, when everyone else saw something different... and that got her expelled... SARGE! I think someone is behind... EVERYTHING!

Sarge: Ya don't say?!

Tucker: It includes Emerald and Mercury for sure... but I don't think they are the top dogs... they seem too... inexperienced.

Caboose: Maybe it was that really pale girl that we saw.

Sarge: INGENIOUS! They made us hallucinate to see their boss, who is really scary to escape! But the question is... how much of this has been planned?

Grif: Nah there is still that girl that Caboose and Ruby saw at the dance. I wonder who that I—
He gets interrupted by a giant bird Grimm, a Nevermore, attacking the top of the colosseum, which is protected by an energy shield.

Sarge: C'mon! Those people need our help!
He says waving his hand and they all run toward Ruby, team JNPR and other students.

Caboose: RUBY! What's going on!

Ruby: *panicked* I-I'm not sure! T-there was the fight, a-and then... *sadly* Penny...
Caboose walks over to her and puts his hand on her shoulder.

Caboose: *not idiotic sounding* Don't worry Ruby... we WILL make them pay.
He says as Ruby look up to him and smiles a bit

Sarge: Hey Caboose, you didn't sound like a moron!

Ruby: No time for small talk! We just got off of a call with Yang and Blake, they're at Beacon and the White Fang is dropping Grimm into Beacon! And with what just happened, everyone is panicking, and panic leads to worry, worry leads to negativity, and negativity... leads to Grimm...

Grif: Okay, we have to make our way back to Beacon, but first *cocks his battle rifle* We got a Bird to kill... And I'm not talking about Qrow.

Sarge: Hehe, let's go kill this overweight bird.

Then all the Reds, Blues, and Students rush into the arena where Phyyra is still crying over the body of Penny, then the Nevermore breaks in and the wind knocks them all back. The Nevermore rushes towards Phyyra and is about to eat her... until Tucker jumps out of nowhere and uses his sword to cut the Nevermore making it recoil in pain.

Tucker: Leave the eating to me! BOW CHICKA BOW WOW!

Sarge: *sighs and chuckles* He really knows how to ruin a moment.

Then the Nevermore gets up and starts flying in circles around them until it gets really fast, then it dashes right at Tucker but, for plot reasons, all of the student's rocket propelled lockers rain fire from the sky and they all land on the Nevermore, immobilizing it.
(Like Helldivers dropping onto a Bile Titan lol)

Red vs Blue in the RWBY universeWhere stories live. Discover now