References Challenge

97 3 0

Grif: Sup, so I "Volunteered" to do this. I'll be your instructor for now. So basically what your job is, is to find all the hidden easter eggs and references that the Author hid in his or her book. So just find one, comment what the reference is, then I'll put your name here and follow you as a reward... good luck I guess. Can I have my 10 dollars now!

Author: Later, I'm busy.

Grif: Doing what? Playing Call of Duty?

Author: Yes, and also doing this.

Grif: I thought I was doing this.

Author: I'm making you do this.

Grif: Just shut up and start listing.

Sarge: I'm here too! And I already had the list of the number of references compiled for you! Here ya go!

1: II
2: III
3: II
4: I
5: I
6: III
7: I
8: II
9: 0
10: II
11: V
12: II
13: 0
14: I
15: II
16: IV
17: III
18: III
19: II
20: VII
21: III
22: VI
23: V
24: II
25: VIII
26: I
27: VII
28: V
29: IV
30: I
31: V
32: II
33: VIII
34: VIII
35: VII
36: XI
37: II
38: II
39: III
40: VII
41: X
42: V
43: XXIV

Grif: By "I did this" I assume you mean "I had Simmons do this" correct?

Sarge: Yeah...

Grif: What's with all the letters, where's the numbers?

Simmons: Roman Numerals!

Grif: Nerd

Sarge: Shut up, Grif!

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