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Caboose, and his trusty sidekick: Tugger, and their other less important teammates: team RNJR are walking down a path, the same path they have been walking down for a few weeks, and the FINALY reach A fork in the road and a sign that says:

                                     | Kuchinashi———>
                                     | Mistral———>
             <———Kuroyuri |
(That took a long time to Write, also Kuroyuri is crossed out)

Ren is the first one to see it and he walks up to it and stares intensely at it. Then Nora comes up to it.

Nora: Hey... HEY! Mistral! We're on the right track! *looks at Kuroyuri* Oh...

Ruby: Does it say how close?

Ren: No, and it looks like the path takes us up through the mountains.

John... I mean Jaune: Guys... I don't think all of us can make that trip.
He says looking at Qrows unconscious body on a stretcher... oh right! I forgot to tell you, when Tyrian bit Qrow he poisoned him and now he is sick and unconscious.

Ruby: Okay... what about this place?
She says as she points at Kuroyuri.

Caboose: Kirk... no, Kia... no... Cure... okay... your... E... Cure your E... what could that mean? Oh! Maybe it means Cure your eel! Or maybe Ill would make more sense. Yeah, that place says cure your ill, and ill is what Crow is, so if we take him there, he gets better! I am so smart!

Ruby: *awkward chuckle* Hee Hee... uh Caboose. I don't mean to be mean or anything... but that day Kuroyuri, not cure your ill...

Tucker: Don't worry Ruby, you can insult him all you want, he doesn't know what it means! Look I'll demonstrate: Caboose!

Caboose: That's me!

Tucker: You are a pathetic piece of garbage that I hate on a daily basis because you do absolutely nothing besides be an idiot all the time, you are a worthless teammate.

Ruby: Hey! That's not nice.

Caboose: Yeah Tucker! That not nice! *to Ruby* I have no idea what anybody is saying so I'll just repeat what you say.

Ruby: *thinking* Hmm...
She then whispers into Caboose's ear... well, helmet, and Caboose tries to repeat what she said.

Caboose: Tucker, I think what you said was very... weird... and that you should... a Paul and guys... What you said really hurt my... footing... and you shouldn't say anything like that again, unless you're talking about... Caboose... which in that case you can because you are a... beret... *to Ruby* Did I do it right?

Tucker: My point exactly.

Ren: We can't go there, it was destroyed years ago.
He says with clenched fists.

Jaune: Well if it was destroyed maybe there was some medicine supplies left over.

Ren: You're not going to find anything! We just have to press on!
He says as the camera slowly fades away, before—

Caboose: Press on what? The button? What button? Press on what, Ran?

Tucker: Shut up Caboose. Ren, why are you acting so like... weird... or more wierd than normal?

Ren: We can split up.

Ruby: WHA?!

Nora: Me and Ren can cut through the mountains while you all can take Qrow around the village.

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