Another reunion lol

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Wash: Man, this is embarrassing.
He says as he watches Oscar and Ruby fight in hand to hand combat.

Tucker: For real, even Grif fights better than them both... combined!

Ruby: *out of breath* Were trying our BEST!
She says as she gets punched in the face by Oscar.

Oscar: Oh no! I'm so sorry!

Wash: Sorry? The whole point of sparring is to beat the other opponent, that means punching. You did what you were supposed to do.
He says as Ruby then punches Oscar in the chest and sends him flying into a wall.

Ruby: Yes! I did it!
She says jumping into.

Caboose: Great job! Uh... *whispers to Tucker* What was her name?

Tucker: You're an idiot.

Caboose: Great job! You're an idiot!

Ruby: Hey! That's not nice!

Caboose: Uh... Tucker did it.

Ozpin: Well done miss Rose. But Oscar doesn't have the years of training you do... or I do.
He says, getting up and glowing green.

Ruby: *scared* Uh, maybe we should take a brake.
She says as Ozpin pumps his fists up and charges her.

Wash: This... might be interesting.

Tucker: Dude it's going to end the same way it ends when any of us fight Tex.

Donut: Yeah, my throwing my balls at their face!

Tucker: I hate you so unbearably much. No, with the bad one getting destroyed as the good one Tea bagging the bad ones body.
He says as Ruby holds up her arms and gets beat up by Ozpin.

Then Ruby gets hit back and punches the ground before running at Ozpin and swinging him, but he ducks and headbutts her into a wall.

Tucker: Oh how the turntables.
He says as Ren starts to talk to Oscar.

Wash : What in Sam Hill is a semblance?
He says as distant southern accented grumbling could be faintly heard.

Tucker: It's like the freelancer armor enhancements, but everyone has one and they're all unique.

Wash: Do they require an A.I.

Tucker: No you idiot, it's naturally generated.

Wash: How was I supposed to know that? I've been here for a few days!

Tucker: Well I expected someone like you to be constantly knowing everything! You always act like you know everything!

Wash: I don't know everything!

Tucker: Well than stop trying to act like you're the boss of me!

Wash: I'm not!

Tucker: Yes you are!

Donut: Okay okay okay! I'm sensing some major tension between the two of you. If you want I know some major stress relieving activities that involve two people!

Tucker: Do you have to make everything sound so messed up?

Wash: Oh those are some hypocritical words coming from you, Mr. Bow Chicka Bow Wow.

Tucker: Can you stop getting on my nerves!

Simmons: If it makes you feel any better, I agree with Mr. Washington sir!

Tucker and Wash: Shut up!
They yell as they go back to arguing.

Ruby: Should we do something?

Caboose: No, Washingtub and Tucker have arguments all the time, like in season 11, when half of the words they spoke to each other were insults and were yelled!

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