First class

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Sarge: Attention idiots! We have a class at nine!
Sarge yells waking up his team.

Tucker: Wait classes! We actually have to attend classes!? So I went through elementary school for nothing! Forget that I don't need school.
Tucker says as he lays back down.

Grif: Hey tucker maybe you could impress the ladies with your vast supreme knowledge.

Tucker: Ladies! Okay, ya know what maybe I will go.
He says proudly.

Sarge: Yeah that's what I thought numb nuts. Plus this could be a life changing event for Caboose, lord knows he could use some extra knowledge.
He laughs at his own joke.

Caboose: Yeah I think Caboose does need it. "Whispers* he isn't very smart. but don't tell him.
Caboose talks about himself idiotically.

Grif: Lets just get this over with.
He says begrudgingly.

Sarge: Grif? Why in Sam hill would you volunteer to go to a school? Ya know you have to walk there.

Grif: Yeah but it would be interesting to learn more about this new universe. *the others stare at him* Okay fine, if I don't go to class I can't go to lunch.
He says as sarge and tucker laugh at him.

Sarge: Okay fatty, let's go.
He says to his overweight teammate.

Tucker: What? It's only 8 we still have an hour.
He asks confused and not wanting to get up yet.

Sarge: Grif...

Tucker: Oh right, *sigh* lets go then.

The reds and blues start walking extremely slowly as Grif pants and slowly walks as to not get exhausted.

*timeskip brought to you by chibi Caboose making cookies with chibi Ruby*

Grif: Phew that was a workout.
He says after making it to the classroom 40 minuets later.

Tucker: we just walked down the hall? It wasn't that far.
He says bewildered on how his teammate could think walking 40 feet to be a challenge but then he remembered: it's Grif.

The reds and blues walk into Professor Ports classroom, and in there was a bunch of students which were all shadows for some reason, and in the front was a man with with grey hair and a mustache so big, it would make Wyoming jealous.

Tucker: Bow chicka bow wow!
He yells out before realizing nobody but the reds and blues could hear my narration so everyone just stared at him.

Grif: Better luck next time bud.
He says fake comforting his comrade.

Tucker: Shut up fatty.
He says angrily

* timeskip brought to you by... raid shadow legends*

Team RWBY and JNPR bust through the door a few minutes late, they then ran to their seats in front of the reds and blues. Blake sits in front of Tucker and tucker gets up and leans forward. But he gets scared by Professor Port shouting, and he then proceeds to fall face first into Blake, but nobody notices and Port continues on.

Port: MONSTERS! DEMONS! PROWLERS OF THE NIGHT! Yes the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as PREY!
He shouts the last part waking up Grif and Ruby.

Sarge: *extreme uncontrollable laughter* See here men this is a man of culture referring to the blues as prey! Not the monsters they are.
He says applauding Port as he starts to get confused.

Port: Uh no I wasn't referring to the blues I was referring to the creatures of Grimm. My prey!
He says laughing.

Sarge: Well yes those too, but mostly blues.
He proceeded to scowl at Caboose who merely waved at him.

Port: blah blah blah. *boring talk* huntsmen! Huntresses.
He says while winking at yang who shifts uncomfortably and laughs awkwardly. As Tucker yawns and wraps his arms around Yang and Blake. Yang growls and Blake just lifts her arm up and punches tucker, knocking him out, while not moving any other part of her body.

Port: First! A story, a tale of a young handsome man, ME!
He says proudly.

Grif/Sarge: Doubt it/HA YES! This is going to get interesting so hold on tight!
He says excitedly

Tucker: *while sleeping* bow chicka bow wow.
The girls are flabbergasted on how he can make a joke while sleeping.

While professor Port goes on too tell a rather long and boring story Ruby draws a picture that says professor poop and has a drawing of Port with stink lines coming off him. Ruby makes a fart noise as Yang giggles and Grif wakes up and sees the drawing and laughs once then passes out again.

Port then goes on to describe the attributes of being a huntsmen while Weiss stares angrily at Ruby who is shown balancing her books on a pencil, sleeping, and picking her nose. And Sarge stares excitedly like a wild Grif looking at a pizza.

Port: Who here thinks they are the embodiment of these traits?
He says this as Sarge and Weiss raise there hands.

Port: Ms. Schnee! Step forward and face your opponent!
He says pointing to a dark cage that two red eyes can be seen glowing in the darkness. Weiss the walks to the opposite side of the room to the cage.

Yang/Blake/Sarge/Ruby: GO WEISS!/fight well/show that bluetard who's boss!/YEAH REPRESENT TEAM RWBY!
Her teammates encourage her, frustrating Weiss.

Weiss: RUBY! I'm trying to focus!
She says angrily at her teammate, who then proceeds to look sad and apologizes.

Grif, recognizing an oncoming battle, wakes up to watch the action.

Then Port cuts open the cage to reveal a black boar with white bone armor and VERY long tusks.

Tucker/Grif: bow chicka bow wow/that's racist.
They both say then look at each other awkwardly.

The boarbusk then charges at Weiss who strikes it and pushes it back. They proceed to battle while Ruby is constantly yelling encouragement and battle tactics, much to Weiss's dislike. This distracted Weiss who gets hit and falls backwards as her weapon gets launched to the other side of the room and everyone, but the reds and blues, gasp and Sarge laughs. The Boarbusk then charges at a defenseless Weiss, but right before it hits hers a shotgun shot can be heard and the boarbusk gets knocked out of the way.

Sarge: HAHA taste shotgun blacktard!
He laughs as he continues to shoot the Grimm until it fades away.

Grif: *sigh* Now that's racist Sarge.

The reds, blues, RWBY, and JNPR the leave the classrooom.

*timeskip brought to you by Weiss lecturing ruby and telling her Ozpin made a mistake by making Ruby leader and calling her immature, then Ozpin walks ominously out from behind a wall and telling her that he made more mistakes than anyone and telling her to wait and see if making her leader was a mistake*

Oh wait the chapter is over and that wasn't a timeskip it was what actually happened oops.

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