A LONG battle

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He screams but gets cut off by Somebody shooting him.

Port: For those of you just now joining us, WELCOME TO THE VYTAL FESTIVAL TOURNAMENT! Broadcast live from the amity colosseum. If this is your first time watching allow us to break down the rules.

Oobleck: The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds: Teams, doubles, and singles. Age and school year are irrelevant!

Grif: Seems kinda unfair for the first years like RWBY.

Caboose: Aw, they have plot armor they're fine.
He says as they all nod.

Oobleck: In this tournament, the only attribute being tested, is skill.

Port: Correct, the winner of this battle will elect two members to move on to the doubles round. Followed by the winner of that round moving choosing one member to move forward. The remaining combatants will then fight their way through the final bracket, in hope of achieving victory for their kingdom!

Right now we see team Rwby fighting against team ABRN, some nerds from Haven. And before Sarge asks that is one the other schools. Moron, anyway Ruby is camping on the edge of the arena sniping. Yang get punched across the arena and land in front of some dude with pink hair, the guy points his Call of Duty assault rifle with no stock at Yang but before he can shoot her, Ruby snipes him from cross map with the Ice ammo mod equipped, and his feet get frozen into the floor causing him to be immobile.

Ruby: Got your back!
But wait!

Bolin(opponent): But who's got yours?
A dude with a Bo-Staff says, but outta nowhere Weiss just Falcon Kicks him into one of her Glyphs, sending him across the arena.

Ruby: My BFF!
She says with a little jump.

Weiss: No.
She says plainly before dashing away.

She whispers while putting her hand into a fist and doing a little celebration, before also running off.

Ruby and Weiss go over to the guy with the staff and go into a fight. Weiss uses her Glyph to dash forward, hitting him in the stomach. She uses another glyph to dash back but he uses his staff to block it and throw her over him. She then puts a glyph behind her which Ruby uses to jump over Weiss and slam her Scythe onto him, but he uses his wooden stick to block her metal scythe and when they collided, Ruby stops and stays in the air for a few seconds and a lot of rocks flew into the air around her and stayed in the air as well. She then shoots him which also launches her away.


Tucker: How, she just floated in mid air?

Sarge: It was probably for dramatic affect.

Caboose: No, she is just awesome.

Tucker: No she isn't.

Grif: You're just jealous that you don't have a girlfriend.

Tucker: Hey neither do you!

Grif: True, But I have a girl that is my friend, you are an enemy to every woman on this planet and our old universe.

Tucker: *crying* Shut up fatty.
He says as Grif just groans and they go back to watching the fight.

The guys with the Staff then runs over to a pile of red crystals, I'm sorry, DUST and takes off a bit and throws it to a girl with green hair and a hood on who is wielding a... Skateboard? Okay yeah, she is using a skateboard to fight Blake who has a gun/Katana. She then get the firs dust and puts it into her hover-skateboard and hovers it over the ice that was trapping that guy with pink hair and it melts the ice off, freeing him.

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