Breaking the Space-Time Continuum

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Director: Hello, Agent Carolina.

Carolina/Wash: DIRECTOR!

Qrow: Wait, the Director? Isn't he the bad guy from your universe?

Director: Bad is a relative term Mr. Branwen, I am merely on the opposite side of the battlefield.

Carolina: That's a lie, you are a bad person, you have done terrible things. You turned us all against each other you blinded us... you were brilliant... and we trusted you. But you lied to us. You twisted and tortured us, and used us! Manipulated us for your own purposes! You are a bad guy.

Director: You have no idea why I do what I do!

Wash: We do, actually. You did it for her... for Texas... for Alison.

Director: She didn't deserve to die!

Carolina: And they did?! York, Maine, North, South, ALL OF THEM! AND THEIR BLOOD, IS ON YOUR HANDS! YOU ARE THE REASON THEY DIED!
She yells as she starts to cry.

Wash: What do you have to gain from joining Salem?!

Director: Allison. Salem promised me that if she succeeds her goal with my help, the she will bring Allison back to me.

Wash: And you just believe her?!

Director: YES!

Qrow: From what I heard about you, you're supposed to be smart. You should know Salem isn't going to follow through with her words.

Director: I don't care, I don't have any other choice. I tried EVERYTHING to bring her back, this is my only option. My last chance to get her back.

Carolina: Why can't you just admit it... SHE IS DEAD! You have no idea what I would give to bring back the people I lost.

Director: The join me! Father and Daughter, rulers of a new era!

Carolina: But that's the difference between me and you. I know that some things just can't be done. Think about it, Alison would never want you to doom a world just for a chance for her to be back.

Director: She doesn't have a say, she isn't here right now.

Carolina: *scoff* I can't believe you. You really don't love her.


Carolina: If you really loved her, you would let her Rest In Peace!

Director: I think you have overstayed your welcome, Agent Carolina... Raven, bring them in.

Raven slices another portal and Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, and Hazel come through.

Jaune: YOU!
He yells pointing at Cinder.

Cinder: Me?
She says sarcastically, pointing at herself.

Wash: Wait wait wait! Everyone calm down for just a second!

Director: *annoyed* Is there something you need, Agent Washington?

Wash: A question, actually.

Director: Very well, I will give you one question before your demise.
He says as Carolina smirks mischievously under her helmet.

Wash: Those portals, the ones that brought them and you here, those were the same ones that brought us and— they were the ones that brought us here. What are they?

Director: That would be thanks to Raven, and thanks to this.
He says pulling out a futuristic looking gun.

Wash: And what would that be?

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