PSA: A red christmas

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Sarge: Hi I'm Sarge from the popular web series Red vs Blue.

Grif: And I'm Grif from the same show.

Caboose: And I'm here too!

Tucker: Stop breaking script Caboose!

Caboose: oh right *clears through* Thank you for watching, Bow, Wait for applause, exit stage right.

Yang: *angry* Caboose! You're reading the end! And don't read the things in parentheses!
She yells as her eyes turn red.

Sarge: Oh you're eyes turn red when you are mad! Ha ha! So you too, are a natural born RED soldier.

Yang: *enraged* SARGE! STICK TO SCRIPT!
She yells at sarge as her hair lights on fire.

Ruby: Calm down yang, lets just take it from scene two.
She says as yang goes back to normal and Blake comes out.

Blake: *monotone* Scene two, Take one.

Sarge: Today we will be showing you the importance of Christmas.

Grif: Yeah, like giving, eating, and spending time with loved one.

Tucker yells as Yang gets on fire again as she tackles tucker through a wall and starts beating him.

Blake: *sigh* Scene 3, take 5.

Yang; BLAKE! No sighing!
She yells as Blake sighs again.

Tucker: Jeez, you're a worse director than Donut!
He says as Yang gets angry and cracks her knuckles and stares down Tucker, who just gulps.

Blake: *fake smile* Scene 4, take 12.
She says pretending to be happy as Yang, holding Sarge's shotgun, was pointing a gun at her with an insane smile.

Tucker: The most important thing about Christmas is spending time with loved ones. Wether it be siblings, parents, spouses, *whisper* hot chicks on TV.
He says while Yangs eye starts twitching, but doesn't do anything.

Sarge: I don't think so, the REAL best part about Christmas is getting presents! Like a two ton killing machine robot!
He says as penny crashes through the roof.

Penny: Did someone say me name?
She says as everyone fell into the floor.

Ruby: PENNY! How did you do that!?
She says as penny covers her mouth.

Penny: Oops, that's my semblance!
She says as she jumps out of the hole in the roof.

Yang: *growls* I'll go get Goodwitch. Continue with the show!
She yells pointing at everyone who starts to sweat.

Blake: Scene 5, take 19.

Caboose: ... line!
He yells as everyone groans and falls down.

Yang: Okay I brought goodwi— WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!
She yells as everyone jumps back up.

Goodwitch whacks Yang in the back of the head as she shouts "ow the back of my head!" And falls down unconscious. Then she fixes the hole in the roof and leaves.

Grif: Okay no more recording let's just celebrate Christmas.
He says as everyone slumps back down and let's out a sigh of relief.

Tucker: oh I got an idea! Let's play dirty Santa!

He says as everyone agrees. Everyone put their name into a hat, then shuffled it, then passed it around everyone getting a name.


(First name gives second name presents)

*Timeskip brought to you by chibi Sarge recruiting people*

Everybody gets in a circle and puts a blind fold on, one at a time placing their present in front of their recipient without them knowing.

Sarge: Alright, because I am the best, I'll go first! *opens present and pulls out a box of different colored ammo* Awesome, ammo!

Ruby: Not just any ammo, dust ammo! When you shoot the dust ammo, it will do things like: Explode! Freeze! And plenty more cool things!
She says getting so exited, yet slightly jealous.

Sarge: *starts drooling* Forget a sexy killing machine, I like this better! Haha! now Ruby, you open yours.

Ruby: YAY! *she hastily and insanely opens her present, containing two bracelets that say: BEST FRIEND* YES I KNEW IT! I KNEW WEISS WAS MY BEST FRIEND I KNEW IT I KNEW IT.
She then tackles Weiss into a hug.

Weiss: Let go you dunce! You're killing me... YOUR BEST FRIEND!
Ruby instantly lets go and rushes back to her seat saying sorry repeatedly.

Ruby: Sorry again, now your turn Wei—no, BESTIE!

Weiss: *whisper* I'm going to regret that. *she opens her present which contained a pack with a bunch of vials* ooh! A dust container, I was almost out, I REALLY needed this. So thank you mysterious donor, it's now your turn.
She says looking around for who did it.

Yang: Well I don't know who got you that, but I guess I'll go next! *she adds with an exaggerated wink*

Yang then proceeds to open her present, when she does her eyes go wide. She then closed the present and threw it out the window. Then she turns to tucker as her eyes go red again. She grabs him and throws him out the window as well, then she sits back in her seat calmed down.

Sarge: Since Tucker doesn't get to open his present, the person who gave him his present, gets to open theirs next.

Caboose: Ah Yeah, That was me. *he opens his present and pulls out a book that says "Life: For Dummies"* Oh thank you, ya know I was really struggling in that subject.
He says as everyone laughs.

Ruby: You know Caboose, I have another present I can give you~
She says as she walks over to Caboose.

When she gets to him, she hugs him. But when she pulls away, she has a cookie in her hand. She then shoved it up Caboose's helmet, into his mouth. Then she runs away, giggling.

Sarge: Just our of curiosity, what did you give Tucker, Caboose?

Caboose: oh wait... we were supposed to put things INSIDE the box? Oh my bad.
He says as everyone face palms.

Grif: I'll go next. *he opens his present to see a lifetime supply card of pizza*

He then faints and starts drooling. Blake then opens her present without saying anything to see a similar card that was a lifetime supply of tuna. She too, faints and starts drooling. Everyone started laughing very hard. Then everyone left to go do there separate thing.

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