Secret revealed... kinda

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He yells as the reds and blues hear a bunch of commotion coming from team RWBYs dorm, they go to their dorm to see Weiss and Blake in a heated argument, with Ruby and Yang standing by the door awkwardly watching their teammates fight.

Caboose: Ruby, why are black and wise fighting?

Ruby: They are having an argument about the Faunus and White Fang.

Tucker: What's a White Fang?

Grif: It's your wisdom teeth, I think.
He says having no idea what is going on.

Weiss: No you dunce! The White Fang is a group of terrorists!

Blake: They aren't terrorist! They are just misguided!

Weiss: They kill, lie, and steal!
She yells as they go back into an argument.

Caboose: Oh, so it's like the freelancers.
He says as RWBY looks at him confused.

RWBY: Freelancers?

Tucker: Yeah project freelancer. They were a specialist group experimenting with fancy new technology. Like time control, dome shields, and invisibility!

Grif: Don't forget about the AI! Project freelancer was given one AI, Alpha. Now the director, being the greedy jerk he is, decided one isn't enough so he tortured and split the Alpha into fragments, for "maximum efficiency".

Caboose: Yeah, my best friend Church was the Alpha, then I killed him. But he came back as a ghost, or an AI. Then he died again. But came back as a memory and we went on so many adventures. The he got lost in a captivity unit, but I know I'll see him again.
He says surprising the others..

Sarge: And us! Those dirtbags put people like us into simulation bases, our entire existence was meant for practice for the real thing! Oh it was awful!
He yells as they went into an awkward silence.

Weiss: So they were terrorists like the White Fang!
She yells turning her attention back on Blake.

She yells as they go back into an argument.

Tucker: So Yang, I heard you had sisters Bow chicka, who are twins! Bow wow!
He says as Yang just doesn't even bother and ignores her.

Blake: Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!

She covers her mouth, realizing what she just said. Everyone just stops and stares, waiting for what happens next. Then Blake just sprints out the open door running away.

Grif: Blake Wait! *he starts to run before collapsing 59 feet later* Oh man, I really need to start running more.
He says as he gives up and goes back, Weiss starts storming away throwing a temper tantrum.

Sarge: Uh, so what do we do know?

Yang: I dunno, ask the leader.
She says pushing Ruby in front of her.

Ruby: Yang! Uh, well, we should go look for her.

*timeskip brought to you by chibi Grif and Blake eating a tuna pizza*

The reds and blues and Yang and Ruby were walking around the streets yelling for Blake as Weiss just walks behind them in a bad mood, not saying anything. After a while they saw a girl looking the same age as Ruby but with light red hair and a white and green... battle skirt?

???: I think Weiss's hair looks beautiful today!
She says in an overly cheery voice as everyone jumps and looks back.

Ruby: Ah Penny! Where did you come from!
She asks the weird lady.

Penny: Hey guys! what are you up to.
She says weirdly

Ruby: We are looking for a friend.

Penny: Oh, you mean the Faunus girl.
She says as everyone jumps up, surprised.

Yang: Wait, how did you know that?

Penny: Uh, the cat ears?
She says in and obvious tone, pointing to her head.

Yang: What cat ears? She wears a... bow...
She says realizing how stupid she was for not knowing it.

Ruby: She does like tuna a lot...
She says as a random tumbleweed flies past them.

Tucker: Wait, you guys didn't know? It was so obvious!

Sarge: Of corse I knew! I just didn't want to, insult your... intelligence. Yeah.
He says coming up with it on the flow.

Grif: *blows raspberry* duh, she like, told me, that one time.

Yang: Keep telling yourself that.
She says patting them on the back.

Penny: So where is she?

Ruby: We don't know, she's been missing since Friday.

Grif: Yeah, What day is it again?

Sarge: Shut up Grif, the plot is progressing right now.
He says as Penny rushes towards Ruby and grabs her shoulders.

Penny: That's terrible! Don't worry friend! I won't stop until we find your teammate!
She says proudly as a huge explosion happens in the background.

Tucker/Grif: Found her.
They both say pointing to the explosions.

Ruby: Well no time to waste let's go!
She yells as they all charge towards the explosion.

Tucker: Why do we always run TOWARDS the explosion?

Grif: Yeah, don't normal people run AWAY from explosions.

Sarge: No, that's called being a coward. This is call being awesome.

Yang: He's got a point.

Once they get to the docks, they see a bunch of thugs in white clothes with a red logo on them, and a guy in a white suit and a black hat with red hair pointing a cane at Blake and a dude with a monkey tail on the ground, but before he could do anything the reds and blues blasted him away, and all of the White Fang thugs turned their attention to them.


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