Breaking Point

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Hermione POV

     I am getting ready for Slughorn's Supper Party and do a final check on my hair, I then look at myself in the mirror and sigh, because (Y/n) has been spending more and more time with Amora and I can't shake the feeling that Amora is up to something. I go to the party with Harry and we start eating and conversing when I notice (Y/n) walking in with Amora, without his hammer, and the pair sit next to me.

Hermione: (Y/n)?

       He ignores me and continues talking with Amora, I look back at Harry who has the same confused look as me, I then notice Ginny walking into the room and I lean over to Harry and tell him.

Hermione: Her eyes are red, she's been crying. *Harry looks at me* She and Dean have been fighting again.

     Harry tried to be nice and stood up but then sits back down as Ginny does. I get asked by Professor Slughorn about my parents and I explain how my parents are dentists. Afterwards, I just continue to glance at (Y/n) and even try to take his hand in mine to get his attention and get nothing. I look at Amora and see a slight devilish smirk on her face, that put me even more on edge. I just bustled out and back to my dorm, and just let out a sharp sigh of annoyance.

Hermione: *to herself* Who does that woman think she is?

      A few days later and Ron's first Quidditch match as keeper arrives and he is so nervous about it and the pressure and slurs from the other students aren't helping.

Ron: After this match I'm done, I can't take the pressure.

Harry: Just try it. You'll be fine.

Ron: So how was it?

Hermione: How was what?

Ron: The dinner party.

Hermione: *sigh in annoyance* Pretty boring, actually. Though, I think Harry enjoyed dessert. Slughorn's having a Christmas party too, and we're meant to bring someone.

Ron: I'm sure you and (Y/n) will be the life of the party.

Hermione: I asked him, and he- *sniffles* he....

      I just get up and walk away from the table to an empty corridor and breath to try and calm down, maybe it's not as bad as I'm making things out to be. (Y/n) still loves me, right? I go to the Qudditch match and come to find Harry had falsely given Ron some Liquid Luck to boost his confidance. It almost seemed like the real thing was working because Ron played spectacularly and helped win the match. Afterwards, Gryffindor celebrated in the Common Room and Ron was kissed by a girl named Lavender, original I know. I looked around and saw (Y/n) walk out the doorway, so I decided to follow and confront him about his distancing. I follow until I hear voices, so I stop and listen.

Amora: *giggles* Well, well, Thunderer. My plan will go into action soon and you will finally belong to me, for eternity, Thor.

     Confused, I peek around the corner and Amora fondling (Y/n) as he just stands there like, a puppet? He responds in strained tone.

(Y/n): Y-Yes, Mistress. *strained grunt*

Amora: Trying to resist? Well, we don't want you getting out of control.

      She then lifts her hand to his head and uses some sort of magic on him and it seems to make him stop fighting. She then leans towards him and she kisses him on the lips, I was horrified when he kissed back. I kept quiet as I went to a abandoned staircase and start crying. I then feel a presence behind, I look and see Harry with a concerned look.

Hermione: Just practicing charm spells. *sniffles*

Harry: Well they're really good.

     Harry takes a seat next to me and I ask him.

Lightning and Magic (Thor male reader x Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now