Escape from Malfoy Manor

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3rd Person POV

     The Snatchers decided to take our heros to Malfoy Manor where Bellatrix Lastrange greets them and even though she was shown Harry's scar, Hermione's stinging jinx helped obscure it. Either way, they were brought to Draco to be sure but even he had trouble recognizing him.

Bellatrix: Give me her wand, we'll see what her last spell was. Ah, *giggles* got you.

     Her laughing stops suddenly, when she see one of the Snatchers holding the sword of Gryffindor.

Bellatrix: Where did you get that?

Snatcher: We took it off them.

Bellatrix: Avada Kedavra!

     Bellatrix goes a little nuts when she kills one Snatcher and curses the others and retrieves the sword.

Bellatrix: Put the boys in the cellar! This one and I will have a little chat, girl to girl!

      Hermione was very scared as Ron and Harry are taken to the cellar which looked more like a prison, but whatever.

Ron: What do we do now, we can't leave Hermione alone with her.

????: Ron? Harry?

     Ron activates his Deluminator and lights up the room a bit to reveal...

Harry: Luna?

      Hermione's screams start echoing throughout the manor.

Ron: We have to do something!

Ollivander: We've tried everything, this place is enchanted.

Luna: Not quite everything. Harry, you and Ron will want to see this.

     Luna beckons the two over and they follow her to a darker part of the room, Ron activates his Deluminator again and the light reveals-

     Luna beckons the two over and they follow her to a darker part of the room, Ron activates his Deluminator again and the light reveals-

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Harry/Ron: (Y/N)!

      Harry and Ron rush to (Y/n) and check his injuries, thankfully, his wounds are healing already.

Ron: What happened?

Luna: He's been here longer than me but some person named Loki came in here often to beat and torture him just because he could.

(Y/n): *weak* Harry.... is that you?

Harry: Yeah, it's me, mate. Listen, I am so sorry for what I said. You were only doing what you thought was right and I shouldn't have blamed you for the trouble that came after.

(Y/n): You... were... right.... I could have saved them.... all of them... but I stood there... and did nothing...

Harry: But they all had their reasons and we should trust those reasons.

Ron: Alright, playtimes over, Hermione is being tortured and with your strength we can get out of here.

      Ron and Harry start pulling on the chains but have little effect on them and (Y/n) is not helping.

Lightning and Magic (Thor male reader x Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now