The Deathly Hallows

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3rd Person POV

      Ron and Harry are chatting and Ron even got Harry a new wand, Hermione then walks into the tent with a worried expression.

Harry: Hermione?

Hermione: I think (Y/n) may be in trouble.

Ron: What makes you say that?

Hermione: *sigh* This is gonna sound crazy, but at first it started just with flashes and images showing up in my mind. They were showing someone in excruciating pain. Recently though I had a dream, in the dream I am in a dark room but the body I'm in isn't mine but a man's, and I'm chained to a wall. Something with demon looking horns shrouded by the darkness is hitting or cutting me. As the dream continued, the person disappears from the room and my head drops and in the pool of blood below me I see the reflection of the body's face, it was (Y/n)'s face. I fear he may have been captured and is being tortured.

Harry: Did you try and move in the dream?

Hermione: I couldn't, all I could do was watch. *voice breaks* If it is real, I don't know what to do.

Ron: Was there any way to tell where you might be, something that could give us a clue on how to find him?

Hermione: *through tears* No, the entire room is devoid of light. I couldn't see anything past my own candles that illuminated (Y/n)'s body.

Harry: Hey, we'll find him, even if it takes 100 years, we won't ever stop looking for him.

      Hermione collapses to her knees, Ron and Harry get her to a bed and the group stay in a close group hug. The next morning sees Ron keeping watch, while Harry makes some breakfast. Hermione finally stirs and tries to eat but is too worried about her visions to eat much, she starts reading the book Rita Skeeter wrote on Dumbeldore, then something hits when she sees that odd symbol again.

Hermione: Guys, we need to talk.

Ron: *walks into tent* Yeah, all right.

Hermione: *deep breath* I want to see Xenophilius Lovegood.

Harry: Sorry?

Hermione: *shows symbol from book* See this. It's a letter Dumbeldore wrote to Grindelwald, look at the signature. It's the mark again. It keeps cropping up. In Beedle the Bard, that gravestone in Godric's Hollow.

Harry: *realization* It was there too.

Hermione: Where?

Harry: Outside Gregorovitch's wand shop.

Ron: What does it mean, though?

Hermione: Look, we don't know where the next Horcrux is and we don't have a lead on where (Y/n) might be, but this- this means something.

Ron: I agree with Hermione.

Harry: Alright, let's go see Mr. Lovegood.

     The trio, man it sounds wierd to say that, make their way the Lovegood residence and make sure they're alone before approaching the door. As they climb the steps Hermione sees a raven perched on the roof looking at her, she sees the white markings on it's feathers and recognizes it, she then raises her arm and the raven swoops down and perches on her arm.

Hermione: I thought that might be you, Huggin. Been well?

Huggin: *caws*

     Huggin then perches himself on the roof again as the trio knock on the door. Xeno Lovegood answers and asks.

Xenophilius: What is it? Who are you?

Harry: It's me sir, Harry Potter. We met a few months back.

Lightning and Magic (Thor male reader x Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now