Of Trolls and Friendships

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(Y/n) POV

Word quickly spread throughout the school the Harry Potter has become the new seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Ron and I are walking with Harry discussing the whole Quidditch idea.

Ron: You must be the youngest Quidditch player-

Harry: In a century, according to McGonagall.

We are then approached by Fred and George, Ron's older twin brothers, congratulating Harry.

Fred: Hey, well done Harry. Wood's just told us.

Ron: Fred and George are on the team too, Beaters.

George: Our job is to make sure you don't get bloodied up too badly. No promises though. Rough game, Quidditch.

Fred: Brutal. But no one's died in years. Someone vanishes occasionally.

George: But they turn back up in a month or two.

I push past the twins and then am cut off by Hermione rushing to the group.

Harry: But I've never played Quidditch. What if I make a fool of myself.

Hermione: You won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood.

Harry: Really?

(Y/n): Come on, I'll show you.

We walk over to the trophy room and I find a display case and point to a picture, the others look and Ron is amazed.

Ron: Whoa. Harry, you never told me your father was a seeker too.

Harry: I...didn't know.

As we make our way to the dorms we start to walk up a staircase and weirdly the railing behind us disappears. I just shrug it off and keep walking.

Ron: It's spooky, she knows more about you than you do.

Harry: Who doesn't?

All of a sudden the staircase starts to move and I catch Hermione before she falls.

Harry: What's happening?

(Y/n): The staircases change, remember. Let's get off here.

The stairs stop moving and we walk into a darkened corridor.

Ron: Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here?

Hermione: Nice going (Y/n), you've led us to the third floor, it's forbidden.

(Y/n): Hey it was either this or spinning on a staircase all night long.

Hermione: Better the stairs than getting expelled.

(Y/n): Only if we get caught.

Just then a cat meows behind us, as a lantern lights up.

Hermione: It's Filch's cat.

Harry: Run!

We run to the end of the corridor and reach a door but...

Harry: It's locked!

Ron: That's it, we're done for.

Hermione: Oh move! *pulls out her wand* Alohomora.

We rush into the door and shut it behind us.

Ron: Alohomora?

Hermione: Standard Book of Spell chapter seven.

(Y/n): As far as I know that spell can open almost any lock.

We wait until Filch comes and goes.

Hermione: *sigh* Filch is gone.

Ron: Probably thinks the door is locked.

Lightning and Magic (Thor male reader x Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now