The Chamber of Secrets

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Harry POV

     A week after (Y/n) was expelled from Hogwarts and I can honestly say that I feel less safe here without him. He's a good friend, maybe the best, but all that sentiment doesn't help the fact that I am forced to spend my detention signing fan mail with Professor Lockhart. My hand was getting tired, I was pretty hungry and bored out of my mind.

Lockhart: Harry, Harry, Harry. Can you possibly imagine a better way to spend detention than answering my fan mail?

Harry: *sarcastic* Not really.

Lockhart: Fame is a fickle friend, Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that.

     As I continue to write, I then here a strange voice echoing in the walls it seems.

????: Come.... Come to me....Come to me.

Harry: What?

Lockhart: Sorry?

Harry: That voice.

Lockhart: Voice?

Harry: Didn't you hear that?

Lockhart: What are you talking about, Harry? *slight chuckle* I think you may just be a bit drowsy. *looks at clock* And great Scott, no wonder, look at the time. We've already been here for four hours. Spooky how time seems to fly when you're having fun.

Harry: Spooky.

     I finally leave Lockhart's office and start to walk towards the Great Hall, or what's left of it anyway, then I hear the same voice again.

????: Kill.... It's time to kill.... Kill....

Hermione: Harry!

Harry: Did you guys hear that?

Ron: Hear what?

Harry: That voice.

Hermione: Voice? What voice?

Harry: I heard it first in Lockhart's office and then again just-

????: Kill.... Kill

Harry: It's moving. I think it's going to kill. *dashes off down the hall*

Ron: Kill?

Hermione: Harry, wait! Not so fast!

     I run around the next corner and the floor is wet, I walk down the corrider as Ron and Hermione catch up. I then stop as I point out the line of spiders that look like their trying to get away from something.

Harry: Strange. I've never seen spiders act like that.

Ron: I don't like spiders.

     We all then notice something on the ground.

Ron: What's that?

     We look up and see there is a message written on the wall.

Hermione: "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir, beware." It's written in blood.

     I look to the left a little and see where the blood came from.

Harry: Oh no.

Hermione: *looks and gasps*

     I approach the seemingly unmoving body of Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat, hanging from the lamp sconce. Then all students emerge and see the message and Mrs. Norris.

Malfoy: "Enemies of the Heir, beware." *looks at our heroes* You'll be next Mudbloods.

     I could almost hear Hermione's brows furrowing from Malfoy's slur. Then Filch is heard making his way through the crowd.

Lightning and Magic (Thor male reader x Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now