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(Y/n) POV

Hermione, Ron and I are waiting on Harry to join us in our first trip to Hogsmeade, as Professor McGonagall explains the terms of our visit.

McGonagall: Now remember, these visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again.

We come to find out that Harry couldn't get his permission form signed and cannot go to Hogsmeade with us.

Harry: *disheartened* It's alright. You guys have fun.

(Y/n): Are you sure, I can stay and keep you company.

Harry: I'll be okay, go have fun.

(Y/n): Don't get into trouble while we're gone.

Harry: *chuckles* No promises.

I give Harry a hug and join the rest of the students, I try to get into one carriage with Ron but am stopped.

Ron: Whoa, big guy. This the bachelor's carriage, yours is back there.

(Y/n): What are you talking about?

Ron: Go on.

His carriage takes off and I am still clueless as to what he was trying to do, so I walk to the last carriage and join Hermione for the trip.

(Y/n): Well, what do you want to do first when we get there?

Hermione: Well we can get some snacks and then see what we can see.

(Y/n): I would've thought you had the whole trip planned out, not that I'm complaining.

Hermione: Yeah well, let's just say your rubbing off on me.

(Y/n): What's that supposed to mean?

Hermione: You're headstrong, reckless and don't always think things through.

(Y/n): *embarrassed* Sorry, I didn't know that was a problem.

Hermione: Oh, no, no, no. That's not what I meant, sometimes I'm so meticulous and organized that I forget what fun surprises are and you certainly deliver on that front.

10 minutes later, we arrive in Hogsmeade and I point out a small food shop and head inside, I got Hermione a couple of pumpkin pasties, and I got myself a leg of lamb as well as water for the both of us since we were going to be doing a bit of wandering around, Hermione just giggles as I devour the lamb meat.

Hermione: *giggles* Must you eat so much?

(Y/n): What? I have 275 lbs. of muscle to feed, don't judge me.

Hermione: *laughs*

I point out an accessories shop, we head in and immediately Hermione finds something to bring back for Harry since he missed today, she also got a bracelet for me and I couldn't help but turn a little red when she put it on my wrist.

I point out an accessories shop, we head in and immediately Hermione finds something to bring back for Harry since he missed today, she also got a bracelet for me and I couldn't help but turn a little red when she put it on my wrist

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Lightning and Magic (Thor male reader x Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now