Dumbeldore's Army

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(Y/n) POV

Over the next several weeks Umbridge was named High Inquisitor, in Fudge's own words, 'address the seriously falling standards at Hogwarts. Hermione and I have barely been able to so much as hold hands with some of these inquiries, and it's really pissing me off. Umbridge has also been addressing teachers for their aptitude during classes while they're trying to teach and because of this Umbridge has saw fit to dismiss Professor Trelawney and today sees Trelawny in the courtyard with Filch bringing out her suitcases, I look at Hermione who gives me a very worried look.

Trelawney: *through tears* For 16 years I have taught here. Hogwarts is my home. Y-You can't do this. *sniffles*

Umbridge: Actually, I can. *holds up folded note*

(Y/n): That's it.

I storm forward with Mjolnir in hand as dark clouds gather in the sky and occasionally a bolt of lightning would streak across the sky. I get in between Trelawney and Umbridge, Hermione has also come up with and calmed Professor Trelawney.

Umbridge: Is there something you'd like to say, monster?

(Y/n): I AM NOT A MONSTER! *lightning strikes close to the school* And you have overstepped your authority, it's a downright abuse of power! You may think of me as a monster, but I have never once hurt anyone. You use your power to hurt those that have lived and taught here for decades. Who's the real monster here? Go look in the damn mirror. Hermione, please take Professor Trelawney back inside?

Hermione: Of course. Come on, Professor.

As they walk by, Trelawney takes my hand and thanks me profusely.

Trelawney: Oh, thank you, boy. Thank you. You are a true hero.

(Y/n): You just make yourself at home, I'll deal with this.

Hermione leads Trelawney back into the castle and I can tell Umbridge is not pleased at all, but keeps her composure.

Umbridge: Mr. (L/n), need I remind you, that under the terms of Educational Decree Number 23, as enacted by the Minister--

(Y/n): Blah, blah, blah. You just love hearing yourself talk? It's about the only thing your good at. You may have the power to dismiss teachers from their classes, you do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster.

Umbridge: *smiles* For now.

(Y/n): I will warn you once. You will not take anyone away from this school they called home.

Umbridge: Is that threat?

(Y/n): I don't care how you take it, but know this. I have made a promise to defend this school and I intend to keep it.

Fed up, I fly up to the Gryffindor Common Room and see Hermione sitting on the couch. Hermione sees me, gets up from her seat and rushes to me for a much needed hug.

(Y/n): *returns the hug* How is she?

Hermione: A little tea helped calm her down and she couldn't stop calling you a hero. That makes me very happy to hear.

(Y/n): You told me to keep being me, so thank you. I love you.

Hermione pulls me into a short but passionate kiss, and when she separates the kiss, she tells me.

Hermione: I love you too.

Just then Ron and Harry walk in and looking pretty damp because of the rainstorm I left. As we all sit around the fire in the Common room, Harry also has the radio turned on, Hermione then goes back to talking about Umbridge.

Lightning and Magic (Thor male reader x Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now