Return to Hogwarts

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(Y/n) POV

     The Weasley's, Harry and myself are running late to the train, we are basically running to the platform.

Arthur: Fred, George, Percy! You first!

     The three run through no problem, the Molly and Ginny go next, Arthur ushers me through and I wait for Ron and Harry to come through, but they don't. I try to go back through but it's blocked by some sort of spell, Harry and Ron are stuck on the other side with no way to get back to school. I punch the platform pillar and leave a dent in the stone, but I am forced to get on the train before it departs. I get on and take a seat in a compartment, Hermione walks in and takes a seat next to me.

Hermione: *somber tone* (Y/n), are you alright?

(Y/n): I'm fine, it's nothing you need to concern yourself about.

Hermione: You are my friend, your problems are my concern.

(Y/n): There's no stopping you is there?

Hermione: Nope.

     I managed a chuckle but I really didn't want to make my problems anyone elses.

(Y/n): Thank you for your concern, but I just don't think I'm ready to tell anyone yet.

     Hermione puts a hand on my shoulder.

Hermione: I won't force it out of you, so you know where to find me when you're ready.

     She gets up and grabs a couple of snacks from the trolley and sits across from me and eats a chocolate frog and offers me the other. All the while I was also thinking about Harry and Ron being stuck at the station. I'm sure Dumbeldore will figure something out. A few more hours and we arrive just outside Hogwarts and climb into the carriages and ride to the school. We arrive and the new students are sorted into their houses and the feast begins, as I eat I feel a tap on my shoulder and look at Hermione.

Hermione: Where do you think those idiots are?

(Y/n): Honestly, couldn't tell you. Last I saw them they got stuck behind the portal to the platform.

Hermione: What?! You mean they missed the train?!

(Y/n): Yup. I'm sure everything will be fine.

     After the feast, Hermione and I head to the dorm to unpack, we get through the portrait door and sitting there on the couch are the two fools.

Hermione: Where have you two been?!

Harry: Well we missed the platform and we couldn't get through.

(Y/n): So, how did you get here?

Ron: Well we... um...

(Y/n): *realization* No. No way, you did not do what I think you did?!

Ron: If you're thinking we took my dad's enchanted car and flew here only to get it stuck in the whomping willow tree. Then yes.

After a solid minute.


Hermione: (Y/n), this is very serious! They could've gotten expelled!

Harry: We almost did. Instead we have to serve detention for the year and both our families have been notified.

Lightning and Magic (Thor male reader x Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now