The Turn of the Tide

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3rd Person POV

     The Death Eaters are starting to penetrate the schools defenses and (Y/n) ordered the teachers to get everyone inside the castle, while he himself fights off Voldemort's forces. (Y/n) also takes the time to search for stragglers who need help, he then spots Hermione fighting off a few Death Eaters and lands near her and creates a shockwave attack before he uppercuts another Death Eater and then throws Mjolnir at a giant's face killing it but when (Y/n) recalls his hammer, he sidesteps and let's it hit another Death Eater that tried to flank him from behind.

(Y/n): Loki! Show yourself!

Hermione: Why would you think Loki would be here?

(Y/n): Voldemort wouldn't be able to mount this offense without him.

Suddenly, a lot of Death Eaters surround the couple, Hermione and (Y/n) stand back to back, the pair then look at each other and nod. The Death Eaters charge in casting spells, Hermione calls a ward spell to her left hand to protect her while casting spells with her wand in her right. (Y/n) takes the hits while standing behind Hermione and casts lightning from Mjolnir until some Death Eaters decided to get too close he then just took them out with his hammer. Hermione casts right and deftly switches hands to cast to her left as (Y/n)'s actions started moving that way too. (Y/n) then throws Mjolnir and it starts flying in a circle around the group taking out Death Eaters along the way, (Y/n) pulls out his wand and starts casting spells and throwing punches when the enemy gets too close. The enemies numbers start to overwhelm a little bit, (Y/n) then starts charging up some lightning and yells.

(Y/n): Hermione! Get down!

Hermione crouches as (Y/n) casts a lightning bolt from each hand and spins around in a circle taking out the remaining Death Eaters and Hermione comments.

Hermione: I think you should lead with that next time.

(Y/n): Sorry boss. Now come on, let's get inside and find Harry.

Hermione nods but not before (Y/n) blocks a magic spell from hitting Hermione, the pair turn around and see both Amora and Skurge standing there.

Hermione: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): I'll take care of them. Go, the Horcruxes are what matter right now.

Hermione nods and goes into the castle, (Y/n) stands between his opponents and the entryway to the castle.

(Y/n): So, where's your master, Amora?

Amora: All in good time, my dear Thor.

Skurge: Enough talk! Let's fight!


Skurge and (Y/n) charge each other and clash weapons, while (Y/n) also summons a lightning bolt to hit Amora. (Y/n) easily overpowers Skurge and knocks him away and throws Mjolnir at Amora, which she recovered in time to block with one of her spells and Mjolnir drops to the ground. Skurge recovers and tackles (Y/n), but (Y/n) manages to use Skurge's momentum and throws him off, (Y/n) gets up and pulls out his wand and casts Reducto at Amora which she easily blocked and casts a beam of fire at him to block, which easily overpowers his spell and disarms him as (Y/n) is hit with the fire. The fire stops as Skurge grabs (Y/n) and headbutts him, but (Y/n) remained unfazed and headbutted Skurge which sent flying backwards. Amora hit him with another spell, but (Y/n) powers through it and grabs Amora by the throat and chokeslams her into the ground and then throws her off the cliffside. (Y/n) recalls Mjolnir and his wand to him and heads inside to help Harry.

Speaking of which, Harry has made it into the Room of Requirement and is listening for the Horcrux, he finally starts to hear it and follows it to a small box and opens it to find Ravenclaw's lost Diadem.

Lightning and Magic (Thor male reader x Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now