Year 3: Return to Hogwarts (Again)

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(Y/n) POV

     I am in the training arena with Robert and he is really amping up training, I mean more than usual. Robert charges me and swings his axe, I quickly deflect it and use my elbow to hit his face and cause him to stumble back.

(Y/n): Stupefy!

     The spell hits and causes Robert to be flung backwards but he manages to land on his feet, only to be met by my training hammer being thrown into his abdomen. I then rush and use a flying knee, again to his head, and knock him to the ground, I quickly grab my hammer and attempt to slam it down on Robert's chest. Robert, however, responds and rolls out of the way and then spins on the ground catching my leg and tripping me. I fall to the ground and we struggle for control, I surprisingly had a hard time loosening his grip even with my god like strength helping me. I used everything I had and fought to my feet while he had my arm in a arm hold, with everything I had I lift him off the ground and slam Robert into the wall twice before slamming him back on the ground and finally loosing his grip. I roll and grab my wand and hammer, I turn to face Robert but he is already on his feet and in my face, I respond and we quickly deflect and counter each others blows, I then started letting some lightning loose and this causes Robert to reel back a little in response. I then use a lightning bolt channeled through my hammer and hit Robert dead in the chest, Robert is driven into the wall, I quickly stop and see what Robert does next.

Robert: Hahahaha! Well done, (Y/n)!

(Y/n): What? That's it?

Robert: I'm getting too old for this, cut me some slack. You did really well, you had the mind of a true warrior in this battle today. You'll need it.

(Y/n): What do you mean?

Robert: *grabs newspaper* Here, take a look at the front page.

     Robert tosses me a copy of this weeks 'Daily Prophet' and there is a wanted man on the front page, I immediately recognized him.

(Y/n): Sirius Black, how did he escape Azkaban?

Robert: That's the big mystery in the Ministry right now, no one has ever escaped Azkaban before.

(Y/n): And why now of all times?

Robert: I can only think of one thing.

(Y/n): Harry. I need to find him.

Robert: The trace tells me he is at the Leaky Cauldron Inn.

(Y/n): I know the place.

Robert: I'd recommend you take your training armor and hammer with, just in case.

(Y/n): Right, oh, I still need you to sign that permission form for Hogsmeade.

Robert: Ah, I'll go do that now, you get packed.

      I head off to my room and quickly get my trunk and bags together and put my training armor and hammer in a chest with a lock on it. I then head down stairs and Robert hands me the now signed permission form

Robert: Now remember, be careful this year, and keep your wits about you.

(Y/n): I will. Respect and Honor.

Robert: Respect and Honor.

     I hug Robert and I get all of my stuff and Huggin in the fireplace, grab some fleu powder and shout.

(Y/n): The Leaky Cauldron!

      I am suddenly teleported to a lobby, and I am greeted by the innkeeper.

Innkeeper: Hello, welcome to The Leaky Cauldron. How many nights will you be staying?

(Y/n): Um, 2, I think.

Lightning and Magic (Thor male reader x Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now