Training and Polyjuice Potion

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(Y/n) POV

Snow has started falling in the past week and I've trained to the point where I've regained my former strength, now dad wants to up the ante on training and today he has joined me in the combat ring in the basement and he has his wand in one hand and an axe in the other.

(Y/n): So, what's today's objective?

Robert: Survive.

Robert casts a spell without saying anything as he rushes me.

(Y/n): Protego!

I block the spell but just barely the axe swing, but Robert then elbows me hard and knocks me down to the ground trying to catch my breath. Robert then helps me up and tells me.

Robert: Remember, a warrior rises as soon as he has fallen.

(Y/n): Yes, Father.

I get up and we continue combat practice and Robert knocks me on my butt, every, single, time. Next morning, I tell myself that I need to get way stronger in order to protect my friends. So, I start with a 20 mile run every morning then get to work on the punching bag, then curl ups while hanging by my legs, as well as pulling a sleigh filled with logs through deep snow. I do this up until the final week, I then get a request from Hermione to make two cupcakes dosed with a simple sleeping draught. The draught was in fact really simple, taking about an hour to make, it should keep Crabbe and Goyle out for several hours. I head back to the combat arena and Robert is waiting for me again with his wand and axe, I grab my wand and a hammer off the weapon rack and we take our stances. Robert goes for an axe strike first, I deflect it and dodge behind him.

(Y/n): Stupefy!

Robert dodges to the left and my spell misses, he tries to go into an overhead axe swing, I block then immediately kick his knee and force him down onto that knee and headbutt him.

(Y/n): Rictusempra!

Dad was quick to use a defense spell, I then use a side strike with my hammer and prevent him from counterattacking. Robert gets up and realizes he is all the way across the arena and stands up with a smirk on his face, I rush him and leap into an overhead hammer strike. Robert jumps back as I slam the hammer down on the ground creating a lightning shockwave, Dad is sent outside the arena. Realizing what happened I drop my hammer and rush to him.

(Y/n): Dad! Are you ok?!

Robert: Yeah. I'm good. I knew you were strong but, wow.

(Y/n): I'm sorry. I guess I couldn't-

Robert: *puts a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder* Stop blaming yourself. The only way to gain control of your powers is to use them and keep testing your limits. You have a chance to become something this world has never had before. A hero, someone who will give their life to something bigger than oneself. You already care so much about your friends at Hogwarts, right?

(Y/n): Yes, of course.

Robert: Then you have all you need to truly become the warrior your parents envisioned you would. Things will be difficult and you may find yourself unsure of what to do, that just means the people you care for and protect will be there to help you persevere and win. Now let's get back to it before you have to go back, huh?

(Y/n): Yeah!

Robert: That's my boy!

We continue combat practice until the final day and Robert drives me back to King's Cross Station, I give him a hug and board the Hogwarts Express and instead of just sitting around for the long ride to school, I went to the back car and practiced my fighting techniques. Several hours later, I am told that the school is in sight, so I dry off and drink some water and put my school robes on. As I get my stuff from the cargo car, I am met by a friendly booming voice.

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