The Lifeless Beauty

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3rd person pov 

[y/n]. She is that one quiet genius in your classroom that has no feelings. She is the second oldest in the orphanage, Ray being the first. For some reason, 7 years ago (When she was 4), she woke up and all of her feelings disappeared. That was the day she found out that house secret. Nobody figured out why her feelings vanished, not even Mama. She kept the secret so well, that Mama didn't even think that she found it out. 

She became the house mystery that no one could solve. Maybe she saw an animal dying, and it traumatized her. Maybe she had such a bad nightmare, it convinced her to never show her feelings. There could be hundreds of reasons why her feelings had left her now empty shell of a human, but they could never know fo sure if they were right. Her never talking about it and dodging the subject didn't help the case either. Eventually, it became normal for them to see [y/n] with a stone cold, blank face.

Don't get me wrong, they all missed that happy side of her that suddenly disappeared. But, they left it at that, leaving [y/n]'s case unsolved. 

[y/n] had a HUGE case of insomnia and that was probably the reason why she took week all-nighters. But what was the reason for her lack of sleep? Two reasons:

-she was scared to fall asleep, due to every night, without fail, she would have horrible nightmares.

-her mind was way too busy with plans, risks, outcomes, reactions, Mama, deaths, adoptions, and so, so much more.

During playtime, she would stay inside her room, pretending to sleep. However instead of sleeping, she would review plans and their outcomes. Even if she had reviewed this plan for five nights in a row, she would still think of what people's reactions would be, what Mama would do, and what happens if the plan were to suddenly fail. She would memorize everything she thought and would sometimes write them down and put it under her mattress, not the bed. The whole "escaping" thing was way too risky to take lightly and she needed to be prepared for anything. 

During the night, she would sneak up to the roof and train. She would run, jump, hide, anything that was useful/needed for her billions of plans. So, not only did she have the same amount of intelligence as ray (without spending her time reading), she also had a bit more physical ability than Emma. She was premium quality. She knew it too. She didn't care if one day she would be shipped out before her siblings. All she cared about was making sure that every child in that house would get out alive. 

She wasn't 100 percent sure that her plans would work. Actually, even though she did spent more than half of her life preparing for it, there were so many variables, she couldn't know for sure if her plan could actually work. 

To sum it up, she is an overthinker. 

She doesn't sleep at night so she is the one who wakes up Emma at 5:40 every morning. Emma is the only one to have gotten that close to [y/n] because she just has that skill of being able to befriend anyone. Well, they weren't really friends, but [y/n] trusted her enough so that they could have a one sided conversation and she would tolerate it. [y/n] would do something for her if Emma begged hard enough and Emma saw that as a huge accomplishment. She even did she little happy dance that had absolutely no rhythm when she got [y/n] to do a game of tag. [y/n] kinda just sat in an open area and read a book. She was caught immediately. One time, Emma begged her for 3 hours straight to introduce herself to Ray and Norman. She walked up to them, said, "hello i'm that one girl that nobody knows about, nice to meet you." Shook their hands, and left. The poor boys were so confused. 

(An: to show her monotone voice, every time she talks, I'll do all lowercase, and when she is talking normally, I'll make it normal.)

She was one to be very vague and confusing. She also likes it when she makes people confused or she answers their question with the most vague answer. For example: 

"Hey [y/n], whats your favorite meal?"

"food." Or: "something that is edible and can be digested in my stomach."

She is one to make a lot of people confused, but thats what they found so interesting about her. [y/n] was the house mystery, and everyone wanted to figure her out. Everyone found her very interesting.



The Lifeless Beauty of Gracefield  [ray x f! reader]Where stories live. Discover now