200k special :]

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hi. this book got 200k. thats a lot. so, to celebrate this milestone and to thank all of you, i'll be creating this chapter; full of short stories and crack incorrect quotes! just to make clear, none of these little stories follow the plot. thank you so much everyone, you don't understand how much this means to me, honestly. enjoy :]


[y/n]: i want someone to take me out

Ray: Like on a date or with a gun?

[y/n]: ....

[y/n: surprise me


Isabella: Oh, [y/n]'s at that very special age when there's only one thing on her mind.

Krone: Boys?

[y/n]: Homicide


Norman, praying: Oh god, please make Emma's brain 10 times smarter

[y/n]: sorry norman, but 10 x 0 is still 0


[y/n]: do you have the wifi password?

Ray: yes! [this is my chance!]

Ray: I.

[y/n]: I.

Ray: L. O. V. E.

[y/n]: L. O. V. E

Ray: Y. O. U.— i love you

[y/n]: sorry, it says wrong password.


[y/n], hading Ray a cup of coffee: Be careful, its hot

Ray, mumbling: Just like you

[y/n]: What

Ray: What


"What starts with a W and ends with an E?"

Ray: Waffle

Norman: Wife

Emma: ...We

[y/n]: Clorox


Emma: Getting up at 6:00 am made me realize that 6:00 am isn't a place, its an emotion

Ray: 6:00 am isn't a place at all

Emma: That's because its an emotion


[playing among us]

[y/n]: sus

Norman: did you see me vent or kill?

Norman: No

Norman: so whats ur evidence?

[y/n]: sus


Emma: at the end of the day, we are all just human beans

Norman: And together, we will rice

Ray: lettuce pray

[y/n]: ramen.


[y/n]: it has to be done.

Emma: i'm begging you... don't do it

Emma: [y/n] please... after everything we've been through..

[y/n]: i'm sorry, emma...

[y/n]: uno.

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