The Lifeless Beauty

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3rd pov

"[y/n] and I will climb up first. Then we'll pull everyone up." Emma turned to her siblings behind her.

"Okay everyone!" Don smiled, "Just do it as we trained, and you'll be fine!"

Emma smiled brightly, "Everyone is going to escape safely."

Thoma and Lannion cheered, running off.

"Wait..." Ray muttered, in realization of something.

"Is this all of us..?"


"It's burning." Isabella stared at the house, engulfed in raging flames, "Everything is burning."

"But..." She looked at her hand, Emma's bloody ear sitting right in it. She began laughing crazily at the sight of it. Her eyes went wide, you could really see where Ray gets it from. She flung her arms in the air, "They're still alive! Emma, Ray, and... I won't let you escape, my adorable children!"

Phil grabbed Isabella's dress, catching her attention, "Mama.." was all he spoke.

Isabella knelt down and hugged him tightly


"The kids under five aren't here." Ray stood up from the rope climb up the wall, turning to Emma and [y/n], who were both holding a rope for other to climb upon.

"Nah bro we leaving them to die, homie." [y/n] chuckled sarcastically as Emma kicked her in the shin.

"I thought about what you said to me before... one more time." Emma grunted, still holding a rope with a lot of kids climbing on it. She averted her eyes to his, "Everything is going smoothly for now. Everyone down to age five is on our side. They were surprised, but I think everything will be okay."

"I won't take them now. Only Phil knows the truth. The others don't know about the house or the fire." Emma looked up from coiling the rope, "I'm leaving that to Phil. But, I definitely haven't given up. I will return within two years. That's when I'll take Phil and the others, as well as all the kids in the other four plants."


Isabella caressed Phil's scalp, as she asked, "Phil... where are the other children?"

He ran out from her grasp, and ran towards the bushes, "This way!"

She checked her tracker, to see that there was indeed a group of kids where Phil was running to. She knelt down as the group ran to hug her. They bombarded her with questions, such as, "Where is Emma and everyone else?", "They aren't with you?"

She stood up, "I'm going to get them now,".

"No, don't go!"

"Don't worry, I'll be right back." She gave them a reassuring smile, "Everyone, make sure to stay here."

As she walked further from the children, her expression became more serious, "This is 73584 from plant 3. The children have escape; sound the alarm!"


The children stopped running, and stared as an alarm was sounded.

"It went off earlier than expected..." one of the kids muttered.

Ray ran towards Emma and [y/n], "What do we do? We're still far from the bridge."

"Attention all employees. There has been an alert from Plant Three. Following a fire in the plant, 16 kids have escaped. Two of the 16 are high-quality. One of the 16 has been considered highly-dangerous; and is capable of death-- it is one of our first premium-qualities. From here on, it will be dealt with using maximum security. You can kill the others who aren't high-quality. However, don't damage any of their heads. Capture them immediately on sight. Don't let them get away!"

The Lifeless Beauty of Gracefield  [ray x f! reader]Where stories live. Discover now