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3rd pov

"Huff... Huff.."[y/n] panted tiredly.

Current time: 3:46
Current situation: exhausted

She plopped herself onto the cold, rough tiles of her beloved home; or for her siblings at least. Breathing heavily, she wiped the dripping sweat falling from her chin. And as she was surrounded with a calming silence, she could only hear her thoughts.

And lemme tell you, [y/n]'s thoughts are not pretty.

'why am i still trying.'

'sooner or later mamas going to ask me to become a new mama anyway.'

'would i say yes though?'

'i wonder why our world was set up like this. i wish i could escape to the calming, happy books in the library.'

'what's the point.'







'i'm so tired.'

'why? why do i do this to myself.'

'oh yeah. so then ray, norman, and emma can smile longer than twelve bullsh*t fake years.'

'my body hurts.'

'i wonder what it's like in space. it's silent and beautiful; well that's what the science book said anyway.'

'i bet emma's gonna hate me.'

'i want to go to sleep.'

'that b*tch krone.'

'my eyelids are so damed heavy.'

'i never took out that walkie-talkie did i.'

'i guess i was too scared to go back to the gate back then.'

"Yo" Ray called out, making her slightly flinch.

"hey." [y/n] responded as Ray sat down next to her.

"What are you doing up this late? And why do you look like you ran a marathon?" Ray asked as he laid his back down.

"it's nothing i got a nightmare and woke up in a cold sweat. i went up here to cool off." The girl swiftly answered, laying down with him.

"I know your lying."

"i know."

The silence filled the air. It was a comfortable silence. The two stared off into the stars, admiring each giant ball of gas among the galaxy.

"if... everyone escapes, and there is a demon society... do you think we will still survive out there? in the world of demons..?" [y/n] slipped out, breaking the peaceful silence that seamed to envelop the earth.

"I honestly don't know. But all you can do is hope." Ray answered truthfully, turning his head towards the girl beside him, but she didn't move her head on inch from gazing at the sky.

"as much as i want everyone to escape together in one piece, i have to expect that there will be lives lost." [y/n] choked out, with another bead of sweat dripping off of her forehead.

"Yeah..." Ray stared, "Hey [y/n]?"


"What... are your thoughts on death?" Ray asked hesitantly.

"don't really care." [y/n] responded smoothly, "it happens to everything living anyway. it's gonna happen to me. and it's gonna happen to you, emma, norman, and everyone else. if we escape or not."

"I guess that's true." Ray sighed, "is it ok for another question?"

"go ahead."

"What are your goals before you die?" Ray asked as [y/n] thought.



"what's yours?"

"I guess... reading all the books in the library, escaping, surviving, beating Mama's head in..." Ray listed, and if [y/n] wasn't emotionless, she would have giggled at that.

'now that i think about it... i don't really have any goals for myself. My main goal was always get emma, norman, and ray out of here but... what else? is that the only thing keeping me from jumping off of this roof? i guess... another one of my goals could be...'

"getting more sleep." [y/n] answered after a while.


"My goal is getting more sleep." [y/n] flopped over her side to face Ray.

"Pfft-" Ray spit out before going in a small laugh, "You really are such an idiot, you know that?" He let out in between giggles.

'... i just did it. i just did my goal. my goal was to make you smile. but i'm going to try and make you smile forever. so then you won't have to feel pain anymore. yeah... no more pain.'

'Sorry for lying, [y/n]. I skipped one. One of my goals. That one was...

To make you smile again.'

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