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3rd pov

As [y/n] finally submitted the final question, she turned to to window, not bothering to take the noise-canceling headphones off.

She watched as her small siblings ran around, smiling and laughing happily. Without a care for the world. Her attention then turned to a certain emo kid.

Ray looked stressed. Angry. Regretful. Oh how she hated that look in his face.

"full score!" the headphones cheered in her ears.

"i'm not going to give up on life just yet. even if i wanted to, i just can't." [y/n] spoke to herself, staring at the boy through the stained, old window, "cause... i love you, ray."

[I'm about to steal this from "PARANORMAL" on Netflix, but i loved the poem sooooooooo]

"i will never stop loving you, ray. until the stars burn out and worlds disappear." [y/n] rested her chin in her palm, "until the planets collide and suns wither. until the moon is dim and all seas and rivers are dry. until i am old and my memories fade. until my tongue is no longer capable of saying your name. until my heart beats for the last time. only until then, might i stop."

"so until then," [y/n] started up the testing table again, "i won't— i can't give up on life."

"age 11. type 2. answer each question within five seconds. we will now begin."


[y/n] pov


norman's gonna die today.

i can't cry, there are cameras in the room.

taking these god damed tests are killing me.

i want to get out.

but i mustn't.

i can't screw up everything i gambled my life on.

or anything emma is planning.

so i'll wait.

till i die.

and let my plan play out.

i'm so tired. so, so tired.

just a few more days till i finally get to rest.

resting sounds good. well. anything sounds good right now.

i wonder if norman will escape.

or if he will except his fate.

most likely, emma and ray will set up a quick escape. and when i come out of this room and he is still here, there is something beyond those walls.

i know him.

and i know there is something behind the walls.


3rd pov

Small Norman coughed repeatedly as Mama examined the temperature shown.

"You've caught a cold again. No more snowball fights, okay?" Mama gave him a small smile.

Norman hummed in response, too tired to really talk.

The sign 'Do Not Enter!' was hung on the door, Mama not wanting other children to catch his cold.

"We can't play with Norman?" Norman heard Emma ask beyond the door that separated him from the children.

"Not until he get he gets better." Mama responded to the girl, "So listen everyone, don't enter the infirmary for a while, all right?"

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