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"Hey could you give this note to [y/n]? She's napping and it's top secret!"


3rd pov

[y/n] opened her eyes to see a neatly folded note. She sat up and observed the room for the corporate but it was just her.

'Emma checked Carol and found the tracking scar. It's located in the left ear. Also, I guess this is how we are communicating and filling you in on the meetings.


[y/n] sighed upon reading the note. She then crumbled it up and plopped herself back onto the bed. However the moment her head his the pillow, Nat bursted through the doors, creating a loud sound.

"C'mon [y/n] your playing tag with is wether you like it or not!" He yelled as he tugged on [y/n]'s blanket.

"...5 more minutes..." [y/n] tugged back.

"Then I bring in... the cavalry!!" Nat signaled, as Thoma, Lannion, Naila, and Phil came bursting though the door, 5vs1.

They all yanked [y/n] out of the room and basically dragged her throughout the house. Everyone they passed by sorta just watched as five kids were dragging one kid on the floor. What a sight that was. Mama sweat dropped as the five kids started pulling more harshly, speeding up the floor dragging.

They finally made it outside, causing everyone to watch them have [y/n] stand up as the dragged her now by the hands. They then thew her on the floor and she just laid there; head first in the grass.

She played a round with them, though all she did was hide in a tree. As the round ended, she walked out the forest to see Krone all riled up.

"Tag sounds like fun~! How about I'm 'it' and you guys run~? I'll give you guys 20 minutes!" Krone suggested, while three kids sunk glances and one kept a still face.

"do i have to play" [y/n] raised her hand high, signaling she had a question.

"YES!!" Nat, Thoma, Lannion, Naila, and Phil yelled before Krone could.

And just like that, the game started. [y/n] didn't necessarily stay with the three oldest, however [y/n] made sure to keep an eye on Emma. I guess you could say she was growing on her.

[y/n] sat parched up in a tree, right above Emma, Ray, and Norman.

"She'll probably look for us 4. And on the way, she'll capture as many little ones as she can. Something like that." She heard one of them whisper to each other.

'sounds reasonable, but considering krone's personality, I think she'll try and trick the younger ones and save us for last.' [y/n] thought as she focused in on what the three below her were looking at.

Five kids suddenly grouped up in one specific spot, mesmerized by what was before them. As if on que, Krone ran up to them and grabbed them all up in one tight hug.

"Aw, too bad~ Guess I caught you~!" Krone sang as the five children giggled.

'called it'

After Krone had left, Emma, Ray, and Norman went out and observed the spot where the five had been caught. They picked up the leaves with little shapes cut out in them.

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