Just For Now

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WARNING-- mentions of suicide and a tiny tiny tiny tiny bit of gore. Do not read if you get triggered by these things!

Ray pov

"hey." a voice called out from the darkness that surrounded me.

"Who are you?!" I yelled back, only to hear a disappointed sigh in return.

That sounds familiar...

Then, a ray of light flashed me, causing my eyes to immediately close shut.

[ no pun intended ]

"heh, and here i was betting that you would know who i am.." The voice grew closer to me and I slowly opened back up my eyelids and there she was.


She hugged her legs to her chest, sitting on the cold, rough tiles of the roof.

"Sorry... you just startled me." I gladly sat down beside her, but she didn't dare look at me face-to-face.

"i'm gonna jump." [y/n] spoke up, "that way i don't have to feel anymore...like i was feeling at all anyways."

"W-What?!" I yelled at her, as she chuckled, "Come on! We are gonna escape and then you don't have to be emotionless anymore! That's the plan!"

"well it wasn't mine." She stood up and finally turned her head look at me, "i had fun, ray. maybe you'll see me in the next life."

Then... she smiled at me as tears slipped off her cheek. Smiled. And cried. But... her eyes were glitched out. A black rectangle covering her beautiful [e/c] eyes.

The wind passed through her hair as she spread her arms out.

"Wait. Wait no. [Y/N] WAIT—"

One moment I saw her.

I blinked.

And she was gone.

"Wait no... no..." I mumbled as I reached out slowly.

I blinked and I guess it's morning.

"W-What..?" Emma's eyes widened in horror as Mama tried her best to explain that suicide lightly.

"How could this have happened?!" Don yelled out as tears fell from his eyes.

Gilda fell from her standing position and landed on her bottom, trying to scoot away.

But you can't run away from your problems. I learned that years ago.

"Sh-She's dead?" Norman asked quietly, summing up what Mama had to say.

"Why? Why? H-How?!" Emma yelled out, "Mama said that she was the one who did it... That she- That she..!"

A waterfall of tears rained down from Emma's eyes.

"[y/n]..." Norman muttered as he clenched his fists into tight balls. He too, was crying.

I remember when her dull eyes used to be filled with joy and energy. As if her pupils themselves were jumping around in those small, fragile little eyes.

I missed that warm smile, those soft eyes.

I miss her.

"hey." a monotone voice called out from a distance, "ray."

"Huh?" I yelled as I whipped my head back, only to be greeted my none other than [y/n] herself.

Except there were a few things on her that made my eyes widen.

A bright red, beautiful flower blossomed from her chest. And on her arms, forks stuck out of it as if she was target practice for a kindergarten cafeteria.

Her eyes bled out, but she still had her eyes wide open.

"[y-y/n]?" I stuttered out in fear.

"we're all raised to die. better get used to seeing something like this." She scoffed as she ruffled my already messed up hair.

"I-I know... I just wasn't prepared to see you like this.." I mumbled out.

"why? why me?"

"I... don't know.."

I blinked.

And there she was.

At the gate.

With an empty suitcase.

And nice outfit.

Hat too.


Right towards a starved demon.

That had a white, pale flower in its claws.

I really need to stop blinking.

"singing... she's a, she's a lady... and i am not a boy. singing she's a, she's a lady...." [y/n] muttered to herself as she walked towards the demon without fear.

She took the flower from the demons hand.

Then, stuck it into herself.

"...and i am just a line without... a hook."

3rd pov

Ray's eyes opened in a hurry, to suddenly meet a sleeping [y/n]. He was too tired to comprehend the fact that he had to be sleeping with her in order for this to happen.

He wrapped his arms around her tired form and pulled her closer, needing the warmth that the girl provided.

He unconsciously played with her hair as he looked at the face in front of him.

'Was [y/n] always this pretty?'

He tangled his legs with yours and stuffed his head in your shoulder. He smelt the flowery sent that was always rare to smell from you.

With his nightmare officially put aside, Ray hugged her tighter, wanting more of the odd comfort she provided.

[ 📸 caught in 4k ]

Being all snuggled up, Ray drifted back asleep. However, only a few minutes later, [y/n] woke up, only to be meet by Ray and her hugging each other, Ray playing with her hair and his head is submerged into her shoulder, and legs tangled up.

With all these factors combined, it lead to only one answer.

She was stuck.

Sighing, she gave in. She hugged the boy back and leaned into him. It had been a while since anyone had the guts to cuddle her like this.

Boy did she enjoy it though.

Oh how she wished that she could let him live longer. She prayed that one... at least one plan will be successful in taking all the kids out.

Maybe in the future, she would get them all out and escape.

Maybe in the future she would start a shelter and save all children.

But for now, she just wanted to hold him as he held her.

'just for now... just let me have this moment... just for now...'

Heyyyyyyyyyy how y'all doin?

So i've been drawing a lot of [y/n] and Ray stuff so next chapter it'll just be me dumping scenes from the book, little ray catching feelings, and maybe some 'idk i'm having fun' stuff too! I also made another comic for Lifeless Beauty so I'll add that in there too

After that chapter, I'll get back to the actual story plot.

lol sorry i just NEEDED to add cuddles in here.


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