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"emma wake up."


"emma, i know you're awake."


"fine, if you don't wake up within the next five seconds, i'll tell norman you have a crush on h-"




Rays pov [during playtime]

Getting bored of the same book, I got up from my spot under the tree and headed in for a replacement. Walking up, I felt a sense of relief, knowing that the library is my one and only safe place.

However, entering through it's big old doors I could see it wasn't just mine.

[y/n] sat against the wall, reading who-knows-what, and she had a bar of almost finished chocolate in her mouth.

"'one safe place on the stage' you've read it?" She asked, not taking a single glance off of her book, yet still knowing it was me.

Sighing, I closed the door to the library and answered.

"Yeah, but why are you reading it? It's just about how to do the waltz and what-not" I answered, as she stood up and put the book on the table, examining it.

"why else you idiot, i want to waltz." She responded, mimicking the poses in the book with the air.

"But why, you've never shown interest in it before?" I walked over towards her as she turned to me, with a soft look in her eyes.

"To be completely honest, I only did it because you also know how to, Ray." She sighed, talking in a different tone, maybe even voice than before.

But... I liked that voice.

She walked right up to me and took my hand.

"W-What are you doing?!" I yelled as blood rushed through my face.

She guided my hand to her waist and checked the book for reference. She then used her other hand and placed it on my shoulder.

And just like that, she danced with me. She hummed as I spun her around. Her eyes were closed as the light from the window reflected her beauty.

 Her eyes were closed as the light from the window reflected her beauty

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And as she opened her eyes, I could finally see the life in them. They weren't... They weren't lifeless anymore. They reflected light, her [e/c] seemed to glisten and sparkle. Her [s/c] skin wasn't that pale shade of [s/c] anymore. Her humming was soothing and soft.

All of my surroundings faded away and for the first time in a long time, I felt relaxed, I felt safe, I felt... happy.

As time passed by, we slowed down and came to a halt. She finally let go, and I immediately missed the warmth she provided.

"now that that's off of my bucket list," She dusted her skirt and looked at me with a serious expression, "i'm going to say something that's been bothering me..."

"What's wrong?" I asked hesitantly, a bit scared by the aura that surrounded her.

"are you mom's informat?" She asked as she sat down on a chair.

I stood quiet as she sighed, "you are, aren't you."

"I guess nothing can be kept from [y/n], huh. So what made it obvious?" I replied.

The then gave me a 'bruh' look and sighed x1000 times harder.

"you really don't know the difference between a statement and a bluff, huh." She shook her head in disappointment.

"T-That was a bluff?!" I yelled in disbelief.

" well. i figured it out the night we found out though i wasn't quite sure. i made it a bluff to confirm." She started, causing my eyes to widen.

The first day?! She figured me out the very first day?! So that's why mama always referred to [y/n] as not high quality, but premium. She really is too smart....

"and as the days passed by you made it more than obvious. i found out you are doing it for us and that in exchange for info, mom gives you items. you are collecting items to make an object to destroy the tracking devices. i know the details so you don't have to give a scary speech. " She finished. How did she figure all of that out?

"So are you going to tell Norman and Emma?" I asked as she shook her head.

"no, i don't think i will." She answered as she stood up. "think i'm going to bed now. goodnight." she walked away and closed the door to the library.


Norman pov

[y/n] is definitely hiding something. Something big. But, what. Then it hit me. Faster than it should have.

[y/n] might be the informat...

We had a conversation about it, but we never told [y/n] about it. But right now, it's ether Ray or [y/n].

It's most likely that [y/n] won't lie if I ask her directly, and for Ray, I'll put up a trap, but that's for later.

I'm finding [y/n] out right now, because if she is indeed hiding something big, it might even affect if we make it out or not. She could be a real big threat.


3rd pov [a lotta pov jumps this chap sorry bout that]

Norman entered [y/n]'s room, making sure no one was outside, and no one could get in.

Norman sat on the bed across from [y/n] and woke her up.

"what's up." [y/n] sat up looking towards him.

"Nothing much-" Norman started.

"no. the ceiling." [y/n] slowly and awkwardly finger gunned Norman.

"I-I" Norman stuttered in cringe.

"but in all seriousness, why'd ya wanna talk?" [y/n] tilted her head.

"What... are you hiding..?"


there is your "Ray and [y/n] scene" that one reader wanted! Hoped you liked it tho lolz.

the suspense at the end tho hah.

cya laterz readerssss!

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