Stop at Nothing

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3rd pov 

"Well, see ya." [y/n] waved as she walked out the door, Mama following and closing the door behind them. For the first two minutes of walking, it was silent, only the sounds of footsteps filling up the noise. The silence could be labeled confortable— or perhaps it was because one of them was going to die. The silence seemed never-ending, well, this was until Mama stoped in her tracks, causing [y/n] to stop as well.

"[y/n], dear, why did you purposely fail all of yesterday's tests?" Mama asked, her grip tightening around the old lantern she held.

"Isn't it obvious?" [y/n] smiled, "Because I'm smarter than Norman!"

"Wh-What...?" Mama turned to her in utter confusion, "What do you mean?"

"It's simple Mama. Knowing that I've gotten full scores all of my life... wouldn't you think they would take me to some weird lab, asking me take tests, and do some weird stuff with my brain?" [y/n] smirked, "So, having failed more than 150 tests yesterday must've plummeted my place as "premium quality', right? Now, since you have no use for me due to evidence that I won't be smart enough for other one-year olds! You'll have to kill me!"

Mama scoffed as she shook her head, "I do worry for you, dear.."

Mama continued to walk, until [y/n] grabbed her sleeve, stopping her from stepping. "Hey, Mama.. Just so we don't have hard feelings or anything... I love you a whole lot. I'm sorry I couldn't say it sooner. I have to let go of all the grudges sooner rather than later, right?"

Isabella smiled, as sudden flashbacks of her dear Leslie dug up. Isabella nodded to her, as they both continued walking, getting closer and closer to the wall and the gate the more steps they took.

Finally, after what had seemed like forever, they entered the gate. The gate in which countless children had lost their lives at. 

She smiled as she stepped froward, into the gate, 'this is it.' she told herself. As Isabella turned to walk into the room, she stoped abruptly. Was there a wire around her throat?

She shakily looked behind her to see none other than [y/n] herself, smiling softly as the wire around Isabella's throat became tighter. 

"My, my mama. You should not have given me that guitar. a child like myself can do a lot with it; like make beautiful music, or take the wood and make a wooden birdhouse, or perhaps even take the guitar strings and strangle your caretaker with it." [y/n] smiled, as the gate behind them slowly began to close. 

[y/n] let go, followed by a gasp for air from Isabella. Isabella crumbled down, coughing and gasping. 

"Guess Ray was right, huh. I'll never go down gracefully, will I?" She chuckled to herself, as she dusted her skirt. She looked down at the poor woman, smiling to herself-- all those years of torture, they didn't go to waste! 

The gate suddenly stopped closing halfway, as two demons ran out, apologizing over and over. [y/n] stepped back, placing herself right in the shadows, keeping her hidden. 

"We were too caught up playing card games, we're so sorry we're late!" "And we lost the flower! We just need a moment to get a new one, but we are very sorry!" "Someone forgot to replace the back-up ones, so we need to wait for the replacement flowers! We're so sorry!" They yelled over and over again. 

"By the way, Isabella, why are you on the floor? And why are you coughing?" One of them helped her up, as the other simply sat their in their guilt-- was that card game really worth it?

"Hi." [y/n] revealed herself from the shadows, as the two demons gasped at the sight of her. 

"Where is the flower?!" One of them yelled at the other, "It should have been here by now- Maybe a delay or something?" the other nervusly scrambled around.  

"My, my." [y/n] interrupted their yelling, "Here I thought demons are creatures to be afraid of-- that they're deadly."

"We are!" one of the pointed their long finger at her, "I'll eat you!"

"That's funny, really. Aren't you two the ones who were playing uno one the job? And the same ones who lost the flower-- needed to properly kill a child. Not to mention, I am one of the smartest kids you lot have here; its kinda sad looking at you two fail on killing one of the most profited children." She chuckled as she shook her head pitifully, "No wonder children grown here are only intended for the rich and smart."

The demons just stood there, speechless, really. 

"Well if the demons can't do anything, I can still kill you." Isabella gave one of those creepy smiles, however all [y/n] really did was sigh. 

"Oh yeah? Imagine what would happen if I pull out my walkie and report every single mess-up that just happened?" [y/n] pulled out a walkie talkie from her suitcase as slightly changed the radio station. 

"Scheduled check-in. This is 49584 from plant 5. [date bc i don't keep track of things]. Everything is normal."  They heard over the radio.

"You don't want me to report that poor, poor [ur neck number] had escaped, fooling one of their top Mothers, do you?"

Isabella turned to the demons, have a nice long eye contact conversation with each other as [y/n] started to troll them even more. 

"Scheduled check-in. This is 73584 from plant 3. [d-b-i-d-k-t-o-t]. Everything is not normal whatsoever. You see, [neck number] was able to choke me out, and hear this! The two demons were playing pokémon the job! Not only that, but they also lost the flower, leaving an opening for the child to escape! Oh noooooo!" [y/n] pretended to report to the radio. 

Isabella then turned to [y/n], before snapping. The moment the snap was released, both demons came charging at her. 

[y/n] smiled softly, then, in just the same time, one of the demons came crashing down right at her feet. 

The demons blood spilled across the floor, as the other one  immediately ran back , behind Isabella

"If I promised forever... do you really think i wouldn't stop at nothing for it? 

this one took a lot of time to write, just because i had to just to the new not-emotionless [y/n]. sorry if i made her too sassy, i just watched Cruella.

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