I'm fine.

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"You can't go near there, no matter what" Emma muttered.

"I know, we'll be scolded later." Norman smiled.

"ok.." [y/n] muttered.

They walked through the gate and looked around for their dear younger sibling.

"Is that the thing that'll take Conny to her foster family?" Emma asked, looking around the bulky  vehicle while [y/n] followed.

"yes, it is a truck that is used for transportation, though i've only ever seen them in books." [y/n] answered, while looking around the strange tunnel.

"Me and [y/n] will just it put in the back, they won't even notice! Right, [y/n]?" Emma smiled happily, while [y/n] simply nodded. They both then walked to the back of the truck and slightly lifted the cloth covering the back. Both of their eyes widened in horror at the sight of the dead body of sweet Conny. Emma dropped little bunny and [y/n] stumbled backwards. She was breathing heavily and couldn't form words.

'Conny, i hope you rest well. I won't let your death go in vain, because starting now, I'm putting my plans into actions. I hope your watching... conny.' [y/n] thought as she stared at the corpse of the most innocent child. An hour ago, she was smiling and cheerful, not knowing that was the last day of her life. And yet again, she let another child die.

A beautiful red flower was placed directly on top of her heart and her eyes were wide open. Her face was more than pale and she was in the very outfit [y/n] helped her put on.

"N-nor..man" Emma muttered out. Norman was confused on why they looked so frightened, so he looked as well...

"Is someone there?" A dark voice called out, causing the children to quickly hide behind the truck and slowly crawl under it.

"Did you hear a voice just now?"

"Probably just your imagination."

"If it was a stray cat, I would've caught it and ate it"

"You eat things like cats?"

[y/n] stretched out her neck to get a glimpse of what the things looked like. They were tall, dark figures with sharp claws and had mask-like faces. They had a disturbing lime eye with huge jaws.

"It looks delicious. Human flesh is the best." The dark monster continued, causing Norman to let out a small, "No..."

Then, they heard a splashing sound and looked over to see it was Conny being thrown into a container full of a blue liquid.

"Dam! Can't I have at least a fingertip!"

"No you idiot. It's valuable merchandise. It's not something the likes of us can have. All the human flesh produced on this farm are high-quality. Meat intended for the rich."

"F-Farm..? W-Where I-Is M-Mama...?" Emma asked, but Norman quickly shushed her.

"Is the Gupna done?"

"Mostly done, sir"

"Another six-year old... lately, we've been shipping out the normal-quality ones but it looks like we'll soon harvest the high-quality ones, best not forget the premium quality one either. She is the one who beat you in chess, right Isabella?"


"Make preparations to pluck the four with full scores."


"Wait...  I smell something.."

And that was the que that made each one of the kids run. [y/n] cut her forearm from a branch, but she didn't care. They ran as far as their legs could take them. They ran for about ten minutes and Emma tripped, giving them an excuse to stop and take in the info.

"Is this place a farm? Are we all food? No... it can't be. Everyone found foster homes. And Mama... That wasn't Mama... We were just mistaken. That girl wasn't Conny, right?" Emma freaked out.

"...That was Conny" He answered, Emma started crying. Then suddenly [y/n] collapsed on her hands and knees. This took both of them by surprise because this was the most emotions they've ever seen.

"I didn't do anything... I'm so worthless... she didn't deserve it. No one deserves to die like that..! I didn't even try to be present in their lives.... and now their dead... I'm so useless... I couldn't even help make their last years happy. I didn't do a singe thing...!" [y/n] muttered as her body was shaking. After Norman and Emma calmed down, they pulled [y/n] in a hug, to try and calm her down.


"So how'd it go?" Ray asked as the three kids walked through the door.

"...we didn't make it time." [y/n] muttered as she let the two other kids walk up the stairs, she was about to walk up but Ray grabbed her wrist, causing her to stop

"Hey are you ok? You guys seamed off, and you got a cut." Ray asked with a bit on concern in his voice.

"..." [y/n] didn't look at him, she seamed to be more interested in the floor.

"You can't get out of this [y/n]." He said as his grip tightened on the girl's wrist.

"since when do you care. i told you what happened, isn't that what you wanted?" She answered as she slumped her shoulders while giving him a blank look.

"... well ok then..." Ray muttered in defeat as he let go of the cold-hearted girl. She walked up the stairs, into the bedroom, and sat on her bed. Norman and Emma discussed on how they wanted to bring everyone and such, while she just laid on her bed listening to the two talk.

Oh, did I forget to mention that it has been two weeks since [y/n] slept? Her sleeping tonight would bring her even more nightmares so after Norman left and Emma went to bed, [y/n] walked out to the library to get at least five books to distract her from her lack of rest. When she walked in, she saw none other than Ray himself, sitting a corner on the top area.

"Hey [y/n]." Ray greeted while the girl ignored him and grabbed some books on a random shelf. She then plopped down in a corner and flipped through the pages and read, ignoring the fact that there was someone watching her with worried eyes.


"emma, it's time to wake up."

"... Ok..."


Ray's pov

Last night, [y/n] was still reading when I went to sleep. That means there is a very low chance of her going to sleep as well. And the dark circles under her eyes proves my point even more. She is ignoring everyone like usual but this time it feels different. Her eyes keep on drooping too. Last time I actually saw her sleep was two weeks ago. How long does she plan to take until she sleeps? That idiot...

"Good morning [y/n]!!" Our younger sibling exclaimed as he ran towards [y/n]. She simply rubbed their head and walked off around a corner. I said my 'Good mornings' to everyone and swiftly followed [y/n] around some corners. While I was following her, some of the younger siblings asked me to tie their shoes.

After that, I walked and heard a thud down a nearby hallway. I rushed over to see [y/n] stumbling on the floor, holding the wall for support.

"Hey [y/n], are you ok?!" I asked while grabbing her wrist to get her attention.

"never been better." She answered with a slight rasp in her voice.

"No you're not! You were just falling over there, you have a raspy voice, and you even have dark circles under your eyes! All this points to you not being ok!" I shot back, causing her to stiffen up.

"is this you attempt to insult me?" She asked in a more playful manner, trying to change to subject.

"Come on, [y/n]! You need to go to the infirmary!" I demanded, causing her to finally turn her head towards me.

"...i'm fine" she muttered.

"You really need to get some rest-"

"i said, I'm fine." She cut me off, in a more harsh tone as she yanked her hand her hand away from mine.

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