Capitan Escape

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3rd pov

Isabella glanced at the calendar, as the chiming clock ringed throughout the room. , "Happy Birthday." She spoke to herself, smiling softly, "Goodbye."

Her eyes suddenly widened at the sound of screams through the house. "Ray!" Emma screamed out, as Mama ran out her room, into the hallway.

She walked towards the dining room, immediately covering her nose from the stench, "What is this smell?" She uttered to herself.

She opened the door, to be met with a gush of sparky smoke. In front of her, was Emma, on her hands and knees, screaming over and over, "Ray! Ray!"

Isabella ran towards her, "Emma!" she called out worriedly.

"Mama, help! Ray is... Ray is in there!" Emma pointed towards the huge fire, a horrid look in her eyes.

Isabella stood up, and pulled out her pocket watch-tracker thing. A small dot was indeed placed right in the middle of the fire. "Did he set himself on fire?" She asked herself, running out back into the hall to be greeted by Gilda.

"Gilda, take everyone outside! Also, please get the babies in my room!" Isabella interacted, Gilda replying with an, "Okay!"

Isabella took out the fire extinguisher, "If I can... If I can at least get his brain..." she muttered to herself, "Emma, stay back!" Isabella began extinguishing the fire, Emma looking, muttering a "Ray.."

The fire extinguisher quickly ran out, Isabella angrily muttering, "Why aren't the sprinklers working?"

"Emma, you need to get out of here too. Or else you'll also..." She turned around to see Emma was no longer there, "Emma..?"

Isabella checked her tracker again, and the dot was placed in the next room over. AS she walked into the room, a wave of worry hit her, perhaps because the room was empty.

Well, that is except for the ear on the floor behind the bucket.

Another wave of realization hit her, as she grit her teeth angrily, "What were those children..." She muttered, "wearing on their feet?"


Emma ran quickly through the forest, a bloody cloth covering her now missing ear.

"Oh, she's here! Emma!" one of the children waved at her, backpacks and sweaters covering them.

Emma gave them a soft smile as she stopped, "Thanks for waiting everyone!" Ray stood in the back, his eyes wide form the overwhelming surprises. He, too, had a bloody cloth covering his ear, but less bloody than Emma's.

He was still playing back exactly what had happened when he dropped the light.


3rd pov

"Bye-Bye, Emma."

Ray dropped the match, the smile on his face never breaking. Emma ran to it, but she was too far, and too slow.

Emma watched in horror as the match came closer and closer to the floor. Then, a gush of wind hit them, and the match was gone.

There she was, as if she never left to begin with. Her usual tired, annoyed face, and dull eyes.

"trying to go out in a blaze of glory? you idiot." She sighed, as she pinched out the flame, and flicked the match stick behind her.

Emma looked up, tears falling down her eyes as she smiled brightly, "N-Nice catch, [y-y/n]!"

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