It's ok

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this chapter—part-thing includes....

phil and [y/n] bonding time 👌✨

Please be sure u are prepared for your heart to be BROKEN and mended back together by his wholesomeness.

you've been warned....

3rd pov

"well sh*t." [y/n] closed her eyes after hearing some interesting information. "so krone found all of us out because you dumba*ses didn't check if anyone was there the night don blew up."

There was this aura around her that kinda set the mood that she was more than pi*sed at this point.

She sighed and muttered, "this is why i hate group projects."

She stood up and put a straight face on. "however, this could be a good thing. you said that she wants to be a mama, so she would work with us to destroy her. agree to that meet up, or else you guys really are idiots." She stated coldly, "anyways, it's my turn to cook dinner tonight. I should probably go." She said, walking out.


"no, phil don't touch that—"


[y/n] sighed as she put the bowl she was holding on the counter and ran towards Phil.

"i told you that knifes are a big no-no" she spoke as she inspected Phil's cut finger.

"I so swowyyyy!" Phil cried out.

"next time, stay next to me, ok?" [y/n] pat his head as she rinsed his finger in the sink.

"Okayyyyyyyy" Phil dragged out in a loving way.

"hey, mama?" [y/n] called out as the said women walked through the door, "may i please take a break from cooking to bandage phil's cut?"

"Of course dear!" Mama smiled lovingly, as [y/n] rushed away to the needed room.

"here." [y/n] placed a band-aid onto Phil's finger, wrapping it tightly.

"Tank woo [y/n]!!" Phil jumped into her lap and hugged her, "Best big sissy ever!!!" he cheered.

"really?" [y/n] asked, in a pure whole-hearted shock. "not emma?"

"Wellllllllllllll......"Phil dragged out the 'l', "woo both da best!!!" phil cheered again.

"well... then your the best little brother." [y/n] ruffled his hair.

"YAYYYYYYY" Phil cheered as he hugged her tighter.

'this boy is a   b l e s s i n g' [y/n] thought as she tickled him.


"It's...It's..." Anna muttered out with a mouth full of food.

"IT'S DELICIOUS!!!!" everyone in the dinning room shouted for her; some in administration, some in confusion.

Even mama had a sightly impressed look on her face.

"I know you were good at cooking, but not this good!!" Emma shook [y/n] around.

"i just learnt from my mistakes. last time i burnt everything, the time before that i forgot to season the food, and don't even get me started on the time before both of them..." [y/n] sighed, "it's only natural i would try to avoid the mistakes of past experiences. and besides, phil helped me out too so there's that."

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