Buried Memories [pt. 2]

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[PS '. . .' is the same as '~~~' just used in memories. After the memories are over, it'll be a '~~~']

"Emma wake up!"

"Huh? Why are you up so early?"

"I wanna wake you up from now on!"

"Hey what's up, you look like you had no sleep."

"Eh, I'm just tired."


. . .

'I-I have to have a delayed reaction. Hold in the fear. Hold it! If I start acting differently Mama will be suspicious. I'll wait a week. And in that day, I'll wake up with no emotion. Mama won't be able to piece the two together if I wait a week. And having no emotion will definitely be an advantage! No weaknesses! None! So hold in the tears!' [y/n] thought as she walked pass her siblings.

"Good morning [y/n]!" Mama grabbed her shoulder, making her shoulder slightly flinch.

"Huh? What's wrong you look like you've seen a ghost!" Mama smiled as [y/n] turned over towards her.

"I-I read this scary book late last night to make me stop feeling sad about Alisa and I didn't get one wink of sleep! Really Mama, you just scared the soul outta me!" [y/n] nervously chuckled as she rubbed the nape of her neck.

"My my [y/n], what have I told you to look at the back side of the book just in case you might not like it?" Mama sighed as she continued walking.

"H-Hey you know how I get when it comes to books!" [y/n] yelled defensively.

"Alright, alright. How about you set up the table, ok?" Mama walked away into the kitchen.

"Will do!"

. . .

"Hey I wanna go in the forest!" [y/n] yelled, running to the said destination.

"Alright, just be careful, [y/n]!" Mama yelled back, picking up a three year old.

'I wanna see the limits of this house. I know that there is a fence, and I saw a giant wall by the gate, but something must be keeping us here. Like a leash for a dog. I have to expect that Mama will know my location; because the demons who are running the farm must be pretty stupid if they let us curious kids wander around without knowing our location. And even if we escape having a location on the kid/kids must be a priority. However I need proof, not a hunch. I'll hide inside a hollow tree and if Mama knows exactly where I am, it will prove that there is a tracker.' [y/n] thought while hoping into a hollow tree and hitting the hard bottom, causing an enormous amount of cuts and bruises throughout her body.

'And luckily for me, I brought chocolate so I can wait here until playtime is over!'

. . .

"Alright playtime is over! Let's head inside now!" Mama smiled while everyone but three kids headed inside.

"Ray, Norman, Emma, what's wrong?" Mama asked while kneeling over to their height.

"How come [y/n] isn't back yet?" Emma asked with worry embedded into her question.

"She hasn't come back since she ran into the forest." Norman added, while earning a scoff from Ray.

"That idiot must've gotten lost. She really is stupid." Ray shook his head while Emma gasped dramatically.

"That is not true!!" Emma shouted while bonking Ray on the head.

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