idk anymore

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Don: Fight me on the PS4

Don: Oh wait

Don: You don't have a PS4~

[y/n]: fight me in real life

[y/n]: Oh wait

[y/n]: you don't have a life


[y/n]: go make your bed, emma.

Emma: Why make my bed when I'm going to sleep in it tonight anyways?

[y/n]: Why feed us when we're going to die anyways?

Emma: ...

Emma: You make a fair point I suppose.


Norman: Aren't you suppose to be asleep [y/n]?

[y/n]: i'm suppose to be a lot of things, but i aim to disappoint.


[y/n]: so you have a girlfriend? 

Don: Yup!

[y/n]: cool... where is she from? 

Don: Oh, she's from a different nation 

[y/n]: i think i know where.

Don: Where do you think?

[y/n]: your imagination.

Don: ...

Ray: *cannot stop laughing*


Mama: I just watched your sibling die.

[y/n]: coolio.

Isabella: Did you know potassium is a element? It's very reactive. Unlike that response you just gave


[y/n]: are you looking for a reaction? cause i can give you one. gladly.


thanks for reading Lifeless Beauty!

we are almost at 10k rn and when i checked a few hours ago i was boutta cry—

I couldn't have gone it this far without the help of my wonderful readers and i just want to thank you all for the support in my book!

Bye! Have a great day/night!

The Lifeless Beauty of Gracefield  [ray x f! reader]Where stories live. Discover now