Buried Memories

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3rd pov

"What... are you hiding...?" Norman hesitated in asking as the aura in the room got thick, more tension growing each second.

"...that answer will vary depending on what you specifically are asking." [y/n] responded smoothly, trying to cover up the fact of how nervous she was in the inside.

'great. out of my remaining 738 plans, most of them didn't go like this! this drops my plans to 231 ones i can actually use now.' [y/n] thought.

"How long have you known the secret?" Norman asked with more confidence.

"what are you talking about? i figured it out with you and emma, duh." [y/n] closed her eyes as if her statement was common sense.

"[y/n]..." Norman started, "we both know that... that's not the truth..."

"your right." [y/n] replied, surprising Norman, "it isn't the truth."

"How long have you known?"

"if i can count correctly, and i do, maybe... seven years now..?"

"Wait... Seven years..? Don't tell me..."

"congratulations, norman. you've figured out the house mystery."


"I wonder.... what would Alisa want before she gets adopted..." a little four-year-old [y/n] hummed to herself as she scribbled a red crayon onto a sheet of paper.

"She's always had an interest in flowers. And she was always crafty too. I think the most logical answer to this equation is... a flower crown!!" [y/n] flipped the page of bloody massacre and scribbled a nice little flower instead.

"So it's settled! Today, tomorrow, and the day after that, Ima work my butt off making Alisa... A flower crown!!" [y/n] cheered as she ran away, off to the forest to make some test subjects ready for her experiment, abandoning her drawing on the library table.

. . .

"Awww come on now, flower crown subject 243! Why are your roots knotting the wrong way?!" [y/n] complained as she angrily threw the poor crown onto the floor.

"I need a break! Maybe reading some books will help!" the girl cleaned up her mess and skipped back into the library.

She skipped her way across the house, humming that lovely melody Ray sings to himself when he is alone. She always caught him singing that.

"Huh, you wouldn't happen to know the name of the song you're humming, do you?" Mama smiled as [y/n] slowed down to chat.

"I have no idea, but it sure is lovely, isn't it Mama?" [y/n] smiled, a wholesome smile at that.

"It is quite the lovely tune indeed!" Isabella giggled.

"Well, I gotta go! See ya Mama~!"


. . .

"Hurmmm I wonder..." [y/n] spoke to herself, stuffing her head in books, "...why are the stamps for Mr. Minerva's books different lines... Could it be a message? It would be cool to find a secret message! Maybe it'll tell me where Mama hides her cookies!" [y/n] giggled as she observed the stamp in front of her more closely.

"Is that... morse code..?"

. . .

"Run. Doubt. Danger. Truth. Harvest. Monster. Farm. Promise."  [y/n] scrunched her eyebrows in confusion with a scared look in her eyes.

"Did I... find something I wasn't supposed to find...?"

. . .

[two hours before Alisa's departure]

'I have a hypothesis that something is going to happen to Alisa when she leaves. Farm: to make one's living by growing crops or keeping livestock. And with the gate and the fence, it's starting to piece together. Now, I just need solid evidence; not just from a hunch. And I finished the flower crown too so might as well.'  [y/n] thought as she ran throughout the forest and hopped over the fence.

After some running, she reached her destination: the gate. She took two walkie-talkies and checked to make sure she could hear from the other end. She dug a hole next to the gate and buried one in. She could still hear on the other walkie, it was just muffled a bit.

'operation find out this secret has officially begun!'

. . .

"Goodbye everyone! I wish you luck on your own journeys while i'm gone! I wish you guys nothing but the best!" Alisa smiled brightly as others cried out 'we'll miss you!'s and 'Alisa..!'s.

"Hey Alisa!!" [y/n] called out, catching the said girls attention.

"Yeah?" Alisa answered as a little [y/n] ran towards her.

"I-I got you a gift!" [y/n] smiled with small tears forming in the corner of her eyes. She pulled out a beautifully knotted flower crown with such amazing colors.

"Aw I love it, [y/n]!" Alisa cheered as she pet the four-year-old's head.

"Alright Alisa, it's time to go." Mama called out as Alisa gracefully placed the crown atop of her head.

"Ok mama! Bye! I love you all!" Alisa yelled as she walked out of the door.

"U-Uh I gotta take a nap!" [y/n] yelled out bluntly as she sprinted upstairs, bursted into her room, and hiding in the covers, listening to it's feed.

. . .

'"Mama...w-what i-is th-that..?"


"Just a regular, Isabella?"

"Just wait a few more years and there will be four better than any of them, sir."

"Dam! I wish I could just eat one up right now! Human meat really is good!"

"You must be more stupid than the one-year-olds we send here for replenishment. Humans like these are only for the rich. It's not something the likes of us can have."

"Y-Yeah... but I'm just real hungry"

"You must be the most glutinous demon in this world."

"A-And you are the most sarcastic demon!"


And just like that, [y/n] turned the walkie off.

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