Is...[y/n] hiding something?

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Norman pov

~with Norman and Ray~

"Can we follow [y/n]?" Ray asked, crouched down in the bushes we were hiding in.

"Is it 'cuz you like her~?" I teased, as Ray's face easily turned bright red in a matter of seconds.

"N-Not l-like t-that! I already t-told you i'm j-just curious! I-I just wanted t-to see how fast s-she could run!" He stuttered, trying to explain himself, but only proving my statement furthermore.

"Sure. I wanna see that too" I chuckled in response to the boy.


As we followed [y/n], we noticed that she was also following Emma.

"Why... do you think she follows Emma? She even took the time to clean the branches ahead of her so then Emma wouldn't trip..." Ray mumbled ever so slightly.

"I...don't know.." I mumbled back.

Suddenly, Phil and Mat started calling out to Emma, and just as quickly as Emma grabbed Mat, [y/n] grabbed Phil, without hesitation.

Without hesitation.

"hang on for your life and don't throw up on me." [y/n] instructed as she re-positioned Phil her back.

Just as she said that, she dashed away, as me and Ray could barely keep up. Emma and [y/n] went in two different directions, and Krone followed [y/n].

She then headed in the most dangerous part of the forest, jumping over branches, bouncing on trees, and sliding on dead ones. It looked like she was going faster than the speed of light.


Those skills... they couldn't have come to her naturally. And the fact that she isn't breaking a sweat can't be ignored either.... This could only mean...

She's been training. And from what I can see, it seams like she has been for months, maybe even years..

If that is indeed the case...

She's known the secret for longer than we think.

Is... [y/n] hiding something..?

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